Alexandra Szentkirályi, the government commissioner in charge of communications, shared her thoughts on her social media page about the legacy of our founding saint king and the birthday of our country.

“Over 1000 years!

Just saying it makes you dizzy. Especially when we think that a handful of a few hundred thousand ethnic groups, lost in the mists of legends and myths and still living there, embarked on the country- and nation-building task with determination, perseverance and hope, which created today's Hungary here, in the middle of Europe, and the Hungarian nation.

"From Szent István to Kazinczyn and Széchenyi, the problem has always been that the original Hungarian origin and the western cultural influence must be mixed in a smart proportion." - wrote Kunó Klebelsberg in 1929. But where is the West today? After all, the former West is about to give up its millennial heritage. About the fact that life goes beyond itself, that we can find home primarily in our nations.

How did Szent István in his famous Intelles? "And follow my customs, which you see as compatible with royal dignity, without any shackles of doubt. Because it will be difficult to maintain your kingdom in this region if you do not habitually imitate the kings who reigned before. Which Greek governed the Latins in the Greek way, or which Latin governed the Greeks in the Latin way? None of them. Therefore, follow my customs, this is how you will become outstanding among you, and this is how you will gain the praise of strangers."

Our mission is therefore no less than to preserve the legacy of the founder of the state, St. István, to protect what was left to us after a thousand years of struggle, victory and sacrifice.

"Our thousand-year history serves as testimony that we are not a nation of children" - we can freely say after Kossuth: there is no need to decide about us elsewhere. Only at home, for ourselves.

"And in the midst of so much bad luck, after so much discord" - history once again gave us the opportunity to come together, put aside our differences, celebrate as one nation and grasp the hope that we can cling to and continue to build the state of Szent István.

Happy birthday, Hungary!

Source and image: Facebook