A conference is being organized to commemorate the liberation of Duke-Primate József Mindszenty in Budapest XVI. district, Rákosszentmihály.

Location: Budapest, XVI. district, Templom tér 3.

Time: Saturday, October 16, 2021, 3:15 p.m

Executive chairman: Dr. Edit Herman is the head of the Hittel a Nemzetért Foundation

Opening 15.15-15.20

Presentation from 3.20 p.m.: Associate Professor Dr. Gábor Krajsovszky

"Peace and freedom for Motherland, for the Motherland!"

Conversation with our invited guests from 4 p.m.:

with Bishop Béla Balás and Professor

Book presentation from 5:15 p.m.:

Introduction to Dr. Attila Horváth's study

Presentation of the Mindszenty Memorial Plaque from 5:30 p.m

Concelebration Mass from 6 p.m

Crowning of the statue of Cardinal Mindszenty: at 6:45 p.m

The presentation being given now contains material that was already published last year as audio material and in written, edited form, shortened to 35 minutes: http://www.eucharistíkkongresszus.hu/KG_hit_405.html /The audio material of the presentation prepared for the Rákosszentmihályi Mindszenty conference, which was canceled in 2020, and the the plea of ​​believers related to the conference./

Edited lecture text: //www.eucharistíkkongresszus.hu/pdf/KG_hit_405.pdf

The book presentation is our Study Volume II. will be about - volume I can be read digitally at the following location:


The Study Volume II. the volume will be available in printed form at Rákosszentmihály at the latest from the time of the Conference.

The Hittel a Nemzetért Foundation welcomes the admirers of Mr. Cardinal

Photo: MKPK Press Service