The Kárpá portal describes the idea of ​​the children's writer Larisza Nicoj that the Ukrainians are the most ancient nation, which is so far ahead of all other nations in psychic development that it sometimes has to descend to the level of the others.

Speaking to the Glavred news portal, the pen-twirler, who often speaks against the Hungarians, said: in his opinion, the Ukrainians, who are the "poorest and most unfortunate", are ready to rush to the aid of other peoples in the struggle for independence, because they think that others would do the same to them . But - as he believed - this is not the case, because the development of states is like a child's psyche, because the other states are at the level of development of a small child who shouts that everything is his and does not want to share it with anyone.

However, according to Nicoj , the Ukrainian is the most ancient nation, which left the childish stage of development long ago behind. But sometimes Ukrainians have to stoop to the level of others. "That's why we have to descend from our own level to the level of other countries and societies, because 'he who is among wolves must howl,'" pointed out the children's writer.