According to Sepsiszentgyörgy mayor Antal Árpád, Székelyföld had and will have autonomy, and Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu made a mistake when he expressed messages denying the existence of Székelyföld and ruling out autonomy in the first place during his visit to Maros, Hargita and Kovászna counties last weekend.

The president of the national council of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (RDMSZ) pointed out at a press conference on Monday that the prime minister's statements made for electoral reasons will not achieve their goal, because voters susceptible to anti-Hungarian rhetoric will never choose the "copy" but the "original", that is, not the They vote for PSD, but for the Association for the Unification of Romanians (AUR), which is classified as extremist by the other parliamentary parties, or SOS Romania.

Árpád Antal, quoted by the news portal, stated that the prime minister failed to increase the trust index of the government during his visit to Székelyföld and that he "spoke nonsense or his words were born of ignorance" when he said that " Székelyföld does not exist" and "Székelyföld did not have and it will not have autonomy", said Árpád Antal.

"We know exactly that Székelyföld exists and will exist, and that Székelyföld had and will have autonomy," Árpád Antal stated in response.

"Romanians of Hungarian ethnicity" consistently used by the Prime Minister .

"The Transylvanian Hungarians are an indigenous national community, so we are Hungarians, not Hungarian-speaking Romanian citizens"

Árpád Antal stated.

He recalled that under communism they tried to Romanize the Transylvanian Hungarians so that they could not use our mother tongue and they tried to change the ethnic proportions with resettlement. "The XXI In the 20th century, they try to Romanize us by pretending we don't exist," said Árpád Antal.

He pointed out: it is possible to win an election by insulting, but the person loses the trust of the offended national community. According to him, Marcel Ciolacu is another Romanian politician who has proven that the Transylvanian Hungarian community cannot count on him.

He added: the attention of the politicians in Bucharest has been drawn countless times to not see the RMDSZ as a party with 5-6 percent support, but as the representation of a large number of national minorities.

"I know many people vote for the RMDSZ with a heavy heart, but this is another moment that proves that only the RMDSZ can represent the Transylvanian Hungarians"

- the news portal quoted the city manager of Sepsiszentgyörgy.


Front page photo: Participants in the central event held on the occasion of Székelyföld's Autonomy Day in Hõsök Square in the capital on October 31, 2021.
The last Sunday of October is Székelyföld's autonomy day. Based on the call of the Székely National Council (SZNT) in 2016, on this day they remind with prayers and fireworks that the people of Székely will not give up their legitimate demands. MTI/Zsolt Szigetváry