According to László Toroczkai, the faction leader of Mi Hazánk, Viktor Orbán is on the side of the banks because the government does not insist on the use of cash, which is also a right of freedom. Why did the government vote down their initiative in this direction? - the far-right politician asked the prime minister during the immediate question hour in the parliament this evening, which was written by Magyar Nemzet

According to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, what László Toroczkai said is not fair, because the Hungarian government did not allow the possibilities of using cash to be narrowed, even though there are many requests in this direction from the banking sector. The government has not accepted and does not recognize any related claims.

– If there is international pressure, then they will express resistance through constitutional means. This is a matter where we can easily understand each other

said the prime minister to the president of Mi Hazánk. He added that the legal protection of the use of cash can be solved even now, but if according to Mi Hazánk

it is worthwhile to raise this to a constitutional level, then the government will not be an obstacle to this, because there are still three or four topics that need to be examined, so they will be put together in a package, and the right to use cash may even become a constitutional right. 

- The use of cash at the events is eliminated so that you don't have to pay with the banks' bank cards, they use their own payment system - indicated the prime minister in response to another suggestion by Toroczkai.

Cover image: MTI Photo: Zoltán Máthé