In France, on June 29, the legislature adopted the so-called bioethics law and its most controversial provision, which allows lesbian couples to give birth to children through artificial insemination, writes Origo.

For the time being, the new law does not legalize surrogacy, the institution that has also been objected to, using which a third party gives birth to a child(ren) exclusively for a lucrative, i.e. profit-making purpose, or sells their own embryo to someone else for implantation and pregnancy, but, as Macron's party its members stated, there is no going back now, and surrogacy is the next stop on the path of "progression". According to some assessments, France has thus entered the same path on which, among others, the ultra-liberal Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain have already started towards "progress", while in these countries the traditional family model and the spread of liberal gender ideology, despite biological laws, are disintegrating. the social and family place and role of the father and mother is also undergoing transformation.

François-Xavier Bellamy, the world-renowned philosopher and head of the European Parliament faction of the center-right conservative French Republican party, the new law contradicts the millennia-old principles of medicine (and healing in general) and has no medical justification. The law applies to women whose health is perfectly fine and who do not have children not because of pathological reasons, but because they do not take into account the natural order of life, the fact that women are complemented by men and vice versa, such are the realities of the human body (i.e. women cannot conceive on their own).

Contrary to the claims of the gender lobby, according to him , distinguishing men from women, fathers from mothers "is not some kind of social violence, but reality itself. If we cross this reality once according to the new logic, it is unforeseeable that anything will stop us on the way to the technical modification of our bodies, and we will eventually arrive at transhumanism", figuratively speaking, "human production". "Of course the desire for children is legitimate," says Bellamy, "but it doesn't make everything's a social choice, some people want to break with the human condition only because its limits frustrate their desires..."....

...Canada treats the issues of same-sex childbearing, surrogacy or trans-sexuality in an extremely liberal manner. Same-sex marriage and artificial insemination of lesbian couples were legalized in Canada in 2005...

...The Canada/Gender Creative Kids organization wants to organize a summer camp for transgender children and adolescents in a location that has been kept secret this year, where trans or intersex children between the ages of 7 and 17 are welcome. Of course, especially those who are interested in the issues or can be properly influenced. The organization places great emphasis on the so-called trans-fluid children (gender swingers) can express themselves in an authentic way regarding their own swings. Girls shouldn't be girls, boys shouldn't be boys...

...Canada and the United States also have a long tradition of organized camps for homosexual children, because it is common for homosexual boys not to want to camp together with lesbians, transgender children, non-binary children, or transgender children. The "Rainbow Camp", "Camp Lightbulb", "Dream of Hope" or "Camp Highlight" organizations organize summer camps for children under the age of 14. The NGO "Camp Lightbulb", now operating in 3 cities (Provincetown, New York, Los Angeles), organizes weekend programs in addition to summer camps, but there are also options for families.

One of the summer camps of the NGO "Camp Ten Trees" is held for homosexual parents raising children. Children aged 8-12 who have LGBTQ parents can participate in the summer camps of the organization, which proclaims itself to be "revolutionary". In the United States and Canada, which are at the forefront of gender ideology that uses abbreviations and acronyms that are otherwise impossible to follow, it is already customary to include the term "2S" in addition to the LGBTQI+ composition, which refers to "two-spirited" people ("2 spirits"), those in whom the female and the male spirit is also present and primarily as a cultural identity specific to indigenous, Native American natives, but it can apply to anyone who feels this way.

The full article can be read here.

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