The portal vasá published the thoughts of András Gável with this title. We recommend the article, the first part of which we quote, to the attention of our readers.

Contrary to Róbert Alföldi's statement a few days ago - according to whom everything is good in this country if we don't know the politicians and the mayor, and we don't even know anything about them - I want to live in a country like the one we have now. Where it's not cheesy, what's more pride if the finale of the fireworks display on the national holiday can be a star-dotted cross in the sky. Well, in one where the international Eucharistic gathering can be organized, with God at its center. And I also feel good in the country where crosses are erected in the forests as a reminder of this worldwide event, similar to the biblical memorial pillars. However, the situation is that as soon as we cross our borders, we also leave this safe spiritual oasis behind us. The words of Szozat are true: you must live here, you must die! And that's okay, even if we have to fight to defend the truth.

Imperial fervor

The representative of the government of Pest county spoke about special parallels at the handing over of the wooden cross erected in cooperation with Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt., commemorating the World Eucharistic Congress of 1938, also held in Budapest. Richárd Tarnai reminded that this great church event was organized in Hungary in the last year of peace. After that, the world took a wrong turn and empires subjugated the nations. "We talked about empires then, and we still talk about imperial ideas to this day," he said, adding that we are preparing for the Eucharistic Congress again this fall. But also for next spring, when "our responsibility is even greater", since "external pressure" and "imperial fervor" are at least the same as before.

You can read the full article here