It is extremely important that the Hungarian Defense Forces have real capabilities and that its soldiers are prepared and confident, stated the State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense (HM) at the ceremonial opening of the Vitéz Mikecz Kálmán Military College on Tuesday in Nyíregyháza.
István Szabó called it an important goal for the National Guard to retain those who serve in it, and to increase the number of active personnel to 30,000 and the number of voluntary reservists to 20,000 by 2026.
For this purpose, military career guidance, recruitment and patriotic national defense education will be prioritized, as well as the war program, which includes the creation of additional national defense high schools and colleges, said the state secretary of national defense.
He touched on the fact that the national defense and force development program is not only about the acquisition of military equipment and the modernization of the army, it is about the person, the soldier, at its center. However, for the success of the program, the national defense needs well-educated and trained people, and national defense education is essential from this point of view, he added.
That's why the cadet program was started, it's important that the future generation gets to know, understand and respect our military traditions and ideals, said István Szabó. He noted that the energy invested in the training of young people is the key to the future, since there is no conscription, there is no permanent connection between the armed forces and civil society, so the latter does not have enough information about the life of the Hungarian Armed Forces.
The task of the college is to find a common voice and relationship between the national defense, Hungarian families, parents and children, stated the state secretary of national defense.
With the opening of the Kratochvil Károly Honvéd Secondary School and College in Debrecen, two military colleges are already operating in Hungary, said István Szabó, noting that they want to open eight to ten such institutions in the country by 2030.
At the opening ceremony of the college named after the valiant hussar brigadier general Mikecz Kálmán, Attila Ulrich, deputy mayor of Nyíregyháza, Erika Vassné Figula, rector of the University of Nyíregyháza, and Lt. Col. András Horváth, the head of the college, spoke.
Featured image: háeló.hu