In the last ten days, more than 200,000 people have already signed the Stop, Gyurcsány! petition launched by the ruling parties. Stop, Christmas! petition, said the director of communications of Fidesz on Saturday.

István Hollik petition II. At the press conference held at the district signature collection site, at the Fény utca market, he recalled: Klára Dobrev, the candidate for Prime Minister of the Democratic Coalition, recently spoke about how she feels sorry for the Fidesz activists who have to negotiate alone in front of the signature collection stands.

On the one hand, this shows that the left continues to wage a fierce battle against reality, that reality does not disturb their clarity of vision.
On the other hand, it shows that lying seems to be a tradition in Ferenc Gyurcsány's family. István Hollik emphasized: the reality, on the other hand, is that the petition was launched ten days ago, and during this time more than 200,000 signatures were collected. In just ten days, they collected more signatures than the left had collected so far in the framework of the "Gyurcsány show", he noted.

According to the communications director, the number of signatures collected shows that there are still many people who remember the period before 2010, how Ferenc Gyurcsány lied to the Hungarian people back then. There are more than 200,000 people who have joined the petition because they do not want the left to return to power and "to destroy in an instant what we have achieved so far." - said the government politician.

At the press conference, Csaba Gór, the Fidesz-KDNP candidate, talked about the fact that, although many people say that "Buda fell" and became left-wing, the reality, on the other hand, is that the II. many people signed the petition in the district as well, people are signing the petition in a snaking line on Pesthidegkút, and the same is true for the signature collection point in Bel-Buda.

Source: MTI