The current Eucharistic Congress is God's great gift to the Hungarians of the 21st century. What the result will be in the life of our society depends on all of us! - the Széchenyi Prize-winning art historian Mária Prokopp told Vasárnap.

– What does the week-long International Eucharistic Congress mean to you?

– I feel that it is very significant that the Eucharistic Congress provides an opportunity for the Catholic Christian faith to appear in the social and cultural life of our country!

For the generations living today, this is a big novelty, because the three generations currently living next to each other grew up in socialist Hungary, and the youngest generation, born after the regime change, also grew up in a family and society that considered Christianity a private matter and mostly did not practice its religion.

During these congress days, all three generations were able to listen to lectures and testimonies - and not only on Catholic radio, in the media, but also on podiums set up in public spaces - that make people realize that the Christian faith, whose basic law is love, gives them happiness in their lives. Attention to each other, sacrifice, patience is what the resource for is the Eucharist!

The God-man with us, who invites us to live, think and act with Him and in Him!

– What did you experience during the events of the week so far?

- At the opening mass and the programs of the week so far, youth was predominant. At the opening mass, there were especially many young families with small children around me!

They are the future, for whom religion and faith are the basis of their lives. God is at the center of their lives. Their love for each other is nourished by Christ! The parents carry out the tasks of family life together, with smiles and love. I haven't seen many people staring blankly...

I believe that the love of God the Holy Spirit, the grace of Christ living among them in the Eucharist will touch the lives of many. I am also confident that we will be more enthusiastic followers of our Hungarian saints in the coming years, which will shed ever greater light on our country.

the full interview here .