(Ha majd-editor) All the Hungarian parties, movements, and organizations in the highlands are closing the sad and confusing division of the past decade by coming together in an alliance. All elected and self-nominated leaders put down the weapons turned against each other and choose a tool that best fits their hand, and together they begin to cultivate the Hungarian fallow land.
The Hungarian mayors and local government representatives form the local government parliament, which will represent a unique force in Slovakia. It will be a political and professional force.
Together with the Association, the civilians will create the network, with the coordination of Csemadok, Kerekasztal and all other national organizations, which will connect even the smallest Hungarian villages with our largest Hungarian cities with a strong Hungarian interest protection network.
This civil interest protection association, together with the Federation, restarts construction in the Hungarian regions of the highlands. It also involves in the process those scattered villages where the Hungarians living there no longer have an organized political and/or social life. No one is left on the side of the road!
The party and its allied organizations jointly declare: the next thirty years will not be thirty years of our weight loss and strife, but thirty years of peaceful construction, strengthening, growth, that is, thirty years of our multifaceted development.
Everyone adds their expertise, strength, creativity and heart and soul to this goal and task.
Together with our available specialists, a national initiative is born, the essence of which is that the ten-year development plans for Hungarians are prepared with the involvement of all settlements and all active Hungarians, which are then implemented at the local and district level by the people who live there, broken down into annual action plans.
The Association gives space to young people who want to do something, who bring freshness and novelty to our interest protection policy, thus serving our community based on their Christianity, the sustaining power of the countryside, family, morality, Hungarian solidarity and the legacy of our great forebears, who did not from our Hungarianness, but they want to live for our Hungarianness.
All of this has to be done! More and more!
Source and full article: Sándor Papp/Felvidék.ma)
Photo: Pixabay/Illustration