Zoltán Kunszabó, permanent deacon, was surprised to find that the Saturday evening procession of hundreds of thousands was not, or only barely, reported on by the mainstream media. His article was published by 777 blog.hu, from which we highlight some details.

"What doesn't appear in the media doesn't exist." The importance of things in today's mediatized world is measured by how much space an event receives in the mass media. Knowing this , I was sure that every Internet portal would report on Saturday's procession of the International Eucharistic Congress as the leading news , as the most significant mass demonstration in Budapest in recent years. After all , it is not everyday that such a large crowd of people marches on behalf of a cause, the beginning of which is already in Hősök square, when the end is already in front of Deák tér, in József Attila utca, filling it to its full width, and also along Andrássy utca!

Photo: NEK

Based on the information available at the end of the event, Cardinal Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, who led the Eucharistic procession, estimated the number at several hundred thousand. I would like to add that the vast majority of this crowd consisted of Hungarians, since relatively few of the Congress participants came from abroad due to the epidemic.

Already that evening, I scanned the most important news portals with great interest, looking for reports, and especially pictures illustrating the true magnitude of the event! To my greatest astonishment, it barely appeared anywhere even as news . I couldn't find any useful, that is, really informative pictures at all! The situation did not change the next morning.

This large crowd did not go out to "see the Pope", as the Catholic head of state's mass, which attracted an unprecedented crowd, did not begin until the following morning.

This procession was led by Jesus Christ himself, who is among us in the Eucharist, and his followers glorified him with their enthusiastic singing and prayer, which made the heart of Budapest ring, which caused sincere astonishment from the multitude of unsuspecting passers-by, which is not common at all in Europe today, and which somehow did not get through to the media the stimulus threshold of his colleagues.

I consider this a shocking sight of the functioning of our public. Could it be that the image of the world in the media - and let me generalize now - is out of touch with reality? Of course, the question is a bit false, which obviously makes the situation no less outrageous...

As a conscientious news consumer, I can cite countless examples of when the demonstrations of a few hundred or a few thousand people of political parties, subcultures and minorities with little support were broadcast live minute by minute by the most visited news portals. Insinuating that the presented phenomenon really "exists", it is very important, and it really needs to be dealt with at the social level! The bright-eyed, joyfully glorifying, praying Christian who testifies to his faith in huge crowds, representing all ages, belongs to the category of those who have run - or rather, paraded - in this media space.

the entire article at the link below .