DK's favorite star lawyer, Zoltán Fleck, pulled out of the fever dream of which he had been the biggest advocate until now, because he had been thinking for months about how it would be possible to dismantle the NER with a half majority. Now he came up with something new and shared it with his enthusiastic audience on his Facebook page.

"We are used to peaceful elites agreeing on all kinds of transitions. However, this current dictatorship is not one that can be abolished in this way, the voters will be needed. They should not be told that everything is OK, we will solve it, we have good lawyers. But that we are trapped, vote for us to solve this difficult situation together. Common here would mean that not only the now opposition parties, but all citizens with a democratic value system should participate in a constitution-making process. Every citizen has the same chance. Authoritative experts should help with this, but the process is political in nature. No one should want to establish a constitution with a simple majority! But let's not consider the basic law of Fidesz a constitution.

To create a constitution, two-thirds is not enough, no parliamentary majority should be enough. Then a democratic politician can have something to do with the integration of an artificially disintegrated country into a political community.

There are also a lot of professional, political and moral questions. We will get to these if we do not consider necessarily radical sentences about the public law program to dismantle the regime as humbug. Humbug is the following sentence: the basic law is the constitution."
