Over the weekend, Nyíregyháza hosted the traveling exhibition of the Civil Solidarity Forum, which commemorates the 2006 police terror in Gyurcsány and the victims. The nationwide exhibition, which was realized at the initiative and with the professional assistance of the National Legal Protection Service, reminds of the bloody days of the dictatorship not only those who personally experienced the days of terror, but also those young people who know almost nothing about Ferenc Gurcsány's Ószöd speech and the events that followed.

The speech was leaked 15 years ago, in which the Prime Minister, who still harbors political ambitions, admitted in private that he was incapable of governing, that he had deceived the voters and the Brussels administration with "hundreds of tricks", and had lied "morning, night and night". After the speech became public, a series of spontaneous demonstrations began against the Gyurcsány government, to which the socialist-free democratic coalition responded with bloody terror.

photo: Ferenc Dodó

photo: Ferenc Dodó

- By the end of the Gyurcsány era the entire operation of the city was in danger , and in addition, the county seat was characterized by a lack of development - recalled the period presented at the exhibition . Ferenc Kovács, mayor of Nyíregyháza.

- The few investments that the previous city administration started did not meet the tender conditions, and it took us two years to fix everything. Only by the summer of 2013 was the municipality able to get out of debt with the help of the government. We have now reached the point where Nyíregyháza has embarked on the path of development, a strong community is being built and at the beginning of this year it became the second happiest city in the country - the city manager mentioned a survey conducted this year on people's well-being.

photo: Ferenc Dodó

photo: Ferenc Dodó

"The Gyurcsány and Bajnai governments left the country in chaos and bankruptcy," recalled Dr. Győző Vinnai Member of Parliament. – This exhibition reminds us of how peaceful citizens were attacked in the fall of 2006, since the government at that time gave the order for the police brutality experienced at the demonstrations. A fellow citizen from Nyíregyháza was also injured at that time, his leg was hit by a rubber bullet.

The parliamentarian added: we must not let this era return. And this exhibition helps those who were still very young or children at the time, but are now voters, to learn about the events of 2006.

photo: Ferenc Dodó

photo: Ferenc Dodó

- Fidesz activists and sympathizers are collecting signatures all over the city for the Stop Gyurcsány! Stop Christmas for the petition - said Dr. Halkóné, standing in front of the cargo hold of the truck. Éva Rudolf , president of the Nyíregyháza organization of the governing party. - Our goal is to pave the way for a new period, the details of which can now be seen in this exhibition, since in contrast to the Gyurcsány era, in recent years everyone can experience firsthand the positive measures of the current government, which are aimed at families raising children, they serve the welfare of pensioners and all of us.

photo: Lajos Szarka

photo: Lajos Szarka

The next location of the traveling exhibition will be Veszprém on September 28, where visitors can recall the bloody days of the Gyurcsány terror with the help of Tamás Gaudi-Nagy,

Source: SZON.hu

(Header photo: Lajos Szárka)