The events of the last few days have made it clear that something quite amazing is going on behind the scenes in the comedy known as the primaries.

During the accident in the Gödöllő area on Wednesday, the primary election ballots found in the car and on the spot confirmed the rather strong suspicion (or more than suspicion) that the entire Gyurcsány show is a fraud, and the final result will be manipulated. (It also turned out that the leaders of Párbeszéd knew exactly that the system was also technically bad, yet they lied at first that they had been hacked.) We asked jr. Constitutional lawyer Zoltán Lomnici, Századvég's legal expert, about the series of primary election scandals. In his analysis, he also spoke about the fact that the Hungarian left with communist roots has its own traditions and manipulation techniques in the field of election fraud.


Scattered ballots at Gödöllő/Forrás/Origo

The Hungarian left with communist roots actually has its own traditions in the field of electoral fraud. Sources of legal history confirm how they gradually began to oust their political opponents from positions of power; in addition to political struggle, their methods included intimidation, discrediting, as well as, in some cases, kidnapping and murder.

The year 1947 was an important turning point in Hungarian political history: the second, openly manipulated "blue card" election gave the Communist Party even greater influence, said Jr. Constitutional lawyer Zoltán Lomnici, legal expert of Századvég for Origo in relation to the left-wing primary election comedy.

The constitutional lawyer said that, in general, it is difficult to reconcile with the concepts of the rule of law and democracy, what the public was able to learn in the past weeks in connection with the process mocked as a primary election. However, on April 14, 2021, the leaders of the left-wing United Front adopted a "pre-election code of ethics" in which they declared their goal to be "Hungary once again a European republic where fundamental freedoms, the rule of law and democracy are respected in all circumstances". If, according to the left, the series of scandals that the public has experienced in recent weeks can be reconciled with modern election principles, then the Hungarian left's interpretation of democracy is quite far from the internationally accepted interpretations, stressed the junior. Zoltán Lomnici.

As he explained, the course of the primary election, which has no legal history, is not regulated by legislation, and the parties and left-wing political actors are only bound by their own rules of the game in this regard - if they are. If we proceed along the analogy - said the expert - of applying the rules of "regular" elections to the primary election, which is not by chance only a Gyurcsány show, we can say that the XXXVI of 2013 on the electoral procedure. Act (Ve.) Section 2 (1), the following basic principles must be enforced (among others) when applying the rules of the election procedure:


As he said, all of these principles are violated in cases where voter data is compromised or, for example, suspicious-looking ballot papers are found according to press reports.


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