Every word of András Jámbor, every fraudulent and lying martyrdom is eo ipso violence itself.

András Jámbor was threatened with death. This is reprehensible and blood-curdling, we state this at the very beginning, on behalf of the hopefully majority community of good-natured and decent people. Anyone who threatens others - anyone - with death, in an anonymous letter, as a cowardly scoundrel, can never, no one, have any fellowship with him. I hope everything is clear and clear to everyone so far.

Let's look further!

I could not and would not want to count how many times I have been threatened with death. When I think about this, I always remember a moment of the brilliant Mézga family, in which we get to know Aladár's achievements in the subject of Hungarian literature, as follows:

"Question: How many times have we seen signs of decline in our literature? Aladár's thesis: Soxor - like this, with ikszel."

Well then, let's leave it at that.

I have also been threatened many times by old, cowardly, black figures. Most recently, one of them wrote on his Facebook before the peace march that he had already scouted out the place on the roof where he would wait with his Dragunov sniper rifle and finish me off. That was the only time I filed a complaint.

The police quickly found the person, who is a member of a shooting club and was carrying a weapon home with a permit, perhaps Dragunov. He admitted that he had written the threat, but the case against him was dropped because, as he told the police, he only meant it as a joke. Well, if only...

In any case, I'm curious if András Jámbor's threat is found and he confesses the same, whether the proceedings against him will be dropped. I hope not.

Anyway, social media shows in the clearest and most perfect way what Ádám says in the London scene: "what do we keep looking at, how man is reduced to an animal".

But if someone regularly reads social media and sees what decent fathers and mothers can turn into, regardless of which political side they belong to, then the Athenian color also comes to mind, and you can grumble in horror every day with Ádám :

"I will not curse this cowardly people, / It is not a fault, its nature, / To brand it as a servant of misery, / And as a bloodthirsty instrument of servitude, / Let it be handed over to a few partisans. / I was the only fool, / Believing that such people need freedom.”

Oh well. And to this we must also add that the vast majority of the rabid wretched people do not even know about poverty from the news.

Now that we have clarified all this, let's move on to András Jámbor. András Jámbor is a real communist. I'd say the worst kind, but why? There is only one of this type: this one. And as such,

András Jámbor is eo ipso a believer in violence. Of course, he denies this in his public statements, and will continue to deny it until he has the opportunity to appear on the stage of history with his true self. We hope you never have to.

But it's good to know: people like András Jámbor were born Józsefek Cserny and Tiborok Szamuely. Moreover, like all mission-minded, obsessed, and idiotic villains, they are deeply convinced that they are on the good side of history, and that their "fight" is not only just and beautiful, but inevitable.

The actions of the mission-conscious, obsessed idiots, the saviors of the world, are always and without exception marked by heaps of corpses in history. But - I'm describing it for the thousandth time - while the actions of the Nazis are surrounded by almost complete rejection, rightly so, the communists are still surrounded by a thick, stinking vapor of understanding, and they climb up again and again and start over again and again. And I ask for the thousandth time, and even now there will be no answer:

Why does it not matter, especially from the point of view of the victims, that someone is exterminated on the basis of race or class?

I repeat: we will never get an answer to this, because if they did, then the thick and smelly steam surrounding the activities of the communists would be over.

This is why András Jámbor can remain on the stage of public life and sit in the parliament. András Jámbor and his circle, and the public that Mérce and its sister papers, Tett, Partizán and Balra! hallmark, and in which Gáborok Balázs, Noémik Lehoczki, Árpádok Kocsis, Bernáth Lackók and Ábrahám Kiss Soma write everything they write. The apotheosis of violence. Anyway, when someone opens Mércé, the iconic proletarian figure of the Council Republic greets them, as I mentioned, this is the blood and soul of Cserny and Szamuely, who are still reading this in some hole in hell.

And then let's say: the András Jámbors were indeed part, either physically or as a mental and spiritual background, of the wave of violence in Budapest in February, during which their real and undeniable spiritual and spiritual comrades, the communist villains who came here from Germany, beat people to death on the streets of the capital.

Caught in a herd, from behind, cowardly, as always. And the András Jámbors also practice all other forms of "gentle" violence with preference and pride, be it blocking the entrance to institutions or anything else.

And now they've been hit with this most disgusting pedophile scandal, in which one of their former activists is the protagonist, who has since died because she killed herself, but their other activist is also up to her neck in it, the woman who was already in the police's sight during the manhunt in February. but he was released because there was not enough evidence against him. Maybe it will be now. Because the stomach-turning pedophile porn films were filmed in his apartment, during which they not only sexually abused the children, but also tortured them, at least according to an Austrian newspaper report. There are no words for such a thing.

And that András Jámbor has nothing to do with this? Do you know what? I willingly believe that.

But let's imagine for a moment what would happen here if a Fidesz activist got involved in such a case!

What would they do, from Tímea Szabó through Hadházy to András Jámbor, and of course the independent press, from America to 444 inclusive, would not be left out of the witch hunt and Fideszization. If you don't believe it, remember the case of Gábor Kaleta, whose laptop was found with pedophile photos, and although he never had anything to do with Fidesz, since then Fidesz and the government have been professionally pedophiled because of him by the aforementioned dark villains.

In summary: András Jámbor and his comrades are obsessed with violence, even if, as I have just said, they deny this at the moment, following their well-conceived interests. But if one takes a look at their newspapers and the scathing communist writings that appear in them, the glorification of the "revolution", the cult of violence, their ideas about the inevitability of the use of violence, violence as the way to achieve "social progress" and "social equality". to affirm and glorify, then there can be no doubt as to whom we are up against. With communists who, if they could, would hang, torture and reopen prisons for "enemies of the people" tomorrow.

We know them. We know them all, since the Jacobins.

We know you, András Jámbor, we know what goes on in Gólya, one of the well-known gathering places, we know "what is hidden in your bush, may God love you as you love me".

And despite all of this - and this is the most important difference between us and you - we will protect your rights to the hilt, and we will always stand in solidarity with you if you are a coward and no one threatens you - God forbid! - they attack your life.

And we will not actually defend such people in the manner of Ábrahám Kiss Soma, in sly, vile writings, on the one hand and on the other with logic, as you did when your German "antifa" comrades beat up people in our country.

So you can count on us, András Jámbor, as long as you have to confront those who threaten you.

But know: I hate, we hate everything you represent, what you represented, and we know where your spirituality leads. History blooms in your beard, the horrible XX. all mass murders of the 20th century.

I say it again, all your words, all your deceitful, lying martyrdom are eo ipso violence itself.

And we will never forgive you for this.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Attila Trenka / Mandiner