The Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and World Exhibition promises to be one of the most versatile environmental protection events in the country, where participants will actively discuss not only the problems, but also the solutions. The President of the Republic, János Áder, said that the Hungarians will not be left in debt with the answers at the event, where they propose an alternative calculation option to the outdated GDP calculation.

Central Europe's largest sustainability event is held in Budapest at the Hungexpo. Between November 29 and December 5, Hungary will organize the Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and World Exhibition, which will talk about solutions and make it clear that the sustainability revolution is not only a challenge, but also an economic opportunity. Greendex spoke with the main patron of the event, János Áder.

The President of Water World Meetings said that Planet Budapest, in addition to focusing on five other topics in addition to water and wastewater, differs from water events in several ways.

" We organize not only scientific conferences and corporate exhibitions, but also public programs and a youth "adventure park". In one of the pavilions, we will create eleven interactive information islands, where visiting adults and children alike can increase their knowledge, " said János Áder.

Another significant change is that we can meet not only domestic exhibitors at the expo, but also participants from Visegrad countries, so there will be Slovaks, Czechs and Poles as well.

" We want to show that we are not only talking about problems, but also about solutions, and that we are looking for solutions not only in Hungary, but also in other countries. Maybe here you will find future partners who can create a new product together, " he pointed out, stressing that there were already many examples of this before.

Regarding domestic water challenges, the President of the Republic explained that Hungary is a country rich in water. When it comes to surface waters, it can be seen that 90 percent of them come from abroad. In this sense, we are vulnerable, but this does not mean that the country does not go above and beyond for the sake of water purity.

We clean up other people's trash at our own expense. I am quite proud to say on international forums:

Domestic rivers leave the country cleaner than when they arrived.

Relatively few countries in Europe can claim this, and this is not the case in other parts of the world. We have nothing to be ashamed of, " he declared.

There is a solution to the desertification of the Great Plain

When asked what we can do to combat the desertification of the Great Plain, János Áder reported on the latest results.

During its work, the National Directorate General of Water Affairs divided the Sand Ridge into four parts, because each region has different geographical and hydrographic properties . In the southern region, there is still a debate between experts on how to solve the water supply problem. In the other three regions, especially in the east and the west, various investments have been made since 2010: art development, art reconstruction, canal cleaning or extension of the canal line, construction of reservoirs, "he said.

He added that a so-called pilot project was implemented in five settlements, in the framework of which they did not build a reservoir, but supported the water storage of the soil. In essence, the ancient natural solution was re-applied. The solution was tested well in all five locations, which can be a good example for other settlements as well.

He emphasized that if they can keep to the schedule and the large sums needed for financing are available, then all investments supporting water replacement in this region can be completed by 2027.

Hungary can introduce a new calculation

According to some views, the growth-focused capitalist system cannot effectively combat the overuse of natural resources, a paradigm shift is needed. János Áder agrees with this and is confident that a new Hungarian solution to this problem can be presented at the Planet Budapest event.

" We are preparing a study which, according to my intentions, we can already present at the expo. The point is precisely that we need to transform our economic thinking. Until now, we talked about GDP calculation, but time has passed. If we do not calculate the so-called externalities, for example the harmful effects of establishing a new factory, air, water, soil pollution or health effects, then we are fooling ourselves. A team is working under the leadership of environmental economist Gábor Bartus, which will propose a new calculation method, " he said.

He emphasized that it will be a great struggle, but the issue is also being addressed elsewhere in the world, because traditional economic thinking must be overcome. This will be inevitable sooner or later.

Three wishes

At the end of the interview, János Áder was asked if he could have three wishes, what environmental problems would he solve?

" If someone were to deal with this topic a little more deeply, his three wishes would probably sound the same as mine: clean air, clean water, good agricultural land, " answered the president of the republic.


Photo: Greendex