Tamás Sneider, the former president of Jobbik, humiliated the party led by Jakab, who abandoned his principles and, in his opinion, was living his last hours, in his Facebook post after the deplorable opposition primary election.

"GAME OVER - Two months ago, I published my strong comments about Jobbik's deplorable performance during the recommendation collection under the title "moment of truth". Then the remaining right-wingers realized that it was not the speed and organization of the recommendation collection that was important, but the election result. Anyone who has an iota of knowledge about the functioning of parties knows that the collection of recommendations predicts the outcome of the election. This irrefutable connection has now been proven. The order in the primary election result is exactly the same as in the recommendation collections.
The balloon popped again and this time for good. It was really worth giving up your principles to the new Jobbik together with Momentum. The wages of betrayal will be less than Judas' thirty pieces of silver. There is the movement, there is the party. Not only twenty-five places on the list, but even one or two are hard for them to get. Employees can go to look for a job, local government representatives can put up their tent poles in three years, or they can run in the colors of the DK.

This is what those who are not willing to work for the result, who surrender to a real tyrant, a half-madman, deserve this. Those who tolerate that, ignoring them, there should be no congress, caucus, or regular faction meeting, where they too could express their opinion and find out at all what the presidency wants, which, of course, no longer meets regularly, since one person decides everything. I don't feel sorry for the leaders and representatives who committed suicide, but only for the few hundred people who naively made sacrifices in vain.

Do we remember, dear rightists?
Péter Jakab only accepted the presidency on the unusual condition that we would rewrite the statutes so that he would have an extended mandate until the end of the term. Do we remember? What did he already know when he immediately established himself in power? Then he also said that you should create a strong Jobbik, that it would never team up with Gyurcsán, and that he would even resign if he lost! After that, he fired half the party, didn't care about the organizations, hired many incompetent people, and organized a rare strong bodyguard for himself.
Will Péter resign now that Jobbik, which was boosted to ten percent for the municipal elections, has fallen below the parliamentary threshold? The question is poetic. He will not do something stupid like me, because then he will certainly not get a fat parliamentary mandate next to Ferenc Gyurcsány. It's irreplaceable anyway.
On such occasions, one looks inward. I know that the mistake was not that I took on the presidency of Jobbik, which was left without a leader and went bankrupt, but that I did not want to remain president after the municipal elections that brought relatively good results. That's why I follow all former and former rightists. I'm sorry. as a rightist, I can no longer give you faith, but the fight will continue.
Although I think it is just a farce, this primary election result clearly shows that there is a strong centre-right conservative layer in Hungary, which of course does not see the Gyurcsány family as the key to the rise of our nation. While Jobbik is living its last hours, it is shaping its organizations along the lines of Civic Response. In the past more than thirty years, I had to build a national organization from scratch three times, three times I struggled through the difficulties of this. I believe that it is possible to take a different path than the current main opposition line, and I believe that we can give Hungary something better!"
Full post HERE
Photo: Facebook