Spectators can meet six emblematic performances on public and online surfaces, on social media, and the National Theater presents a completely new commercial film in Hungary's largest cinema network and on television channels.

Classic, conservative, progressive, contemporary and traditional. With the special-atmospheric posters of Egri stars, Csíksomlyó passion, Rocco and his brothers, Woyzeck, Drunkards and the 13 apple trees, the theater wanted to ensure that the audience could encounter their defining performances online and on the streets, on all surfaces.

The National Theater directs the viewers' attention to the colorful repertoire of the 2021/22 season with an extremely spectacular, magical commercial, in order to show the wonder of the theater to the viewers visiting the cinema.

From October 1, you can see the commercial in cinemas, on TV, on the website of the National Theater and on social media platforms.


Source: origo.hu

Image: Wonderful Budapest