Lili Pankotai, the student girl famous for her profanity, has reappeared, this time under the guidance of Anna Donáth in the EP.

He visited the current representative in Strasbourg as part of a school project.

"Do you still remember Pankotai Lili ?" Anna Donáth asked on her Facebook page. Our readers certainly are. The female student came into the spotlight with her profanity-laced speech at a demonstration on October 23.

"Lili has since changed schools and is studying at the Alternative Economic High School. He recently contacted me saying that he would like to see how work is done in the European Parliament as part of a school project."

- writes the representative of the moment, who also invited Pankotai to Strasbourg.

Anna Donáth raved about her: in her opinion, the student is prepared, persistent and not afraid to express her own opinion.

Hats off to Lili, all today's politicians can tie their pants, because the new generation is not only prepared, but also dares and knows how to debate and stand up for their interests

No wonder: it's about their future!" - writes Donáth. He added that he is very happy that Pankotai approached him with his project work.

"His attitude is an example for his entire generation: not only is it worthwhile, but we have to deal with public life, we have to deal with our future," concluded the current EP representative.

And is the student's attitude really an example for her entire generation? That's right: a warning example!

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