Justice Minister Judit Varga started her Facebook post yesterday with this title, then continued: We welcome the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Poland!

As he wrote, the uniformed body in Warsaw declared on Thursday that certain provisions of the EU treaties are not in accordance with the Polish constitutional system. According to the majority opinion of the Polish Constitutional Court, EU membership does not mean that the European Court of Justice can override national constitutions or that Poland has fully transferred its sovereignty to the European Union.

Of course, the decision caused a huge indignation on the part of the Brussels bubble and the Western European elite.

In her post, the minister emphasized that sovereignty and self-determination are basic values ​​in Hungary, as in Poland, and therefore the Hungarian government stood by our Polish friends in a decision.

We fully understand the Polish response, which was triggered by the bad practice of the European Union institutions, which regularly violate the principle of delegation of powers.

The time has come to stand in the way of the stealthy expansion of EU powers!

The boundaries between national constitutions and EU law are clearly established in the basic treaties, and no one can cross them arbitrarily.

The European Union institutions are obliged to respect the national identity, political and constitutional system of the member states.

They cannot tie up the sovereignty of the member states!