He expresses his thanks and appreciation to six hundred kindergarten teachers and teachers from abroad during the autumn meeting of kindergarten teachers and teachers of the Rákóczi Association.  During the weekend in Budapest, 130 kindergarten teachers and teachers from the highlands will participate in the meeting.

On the weekend of this autumn's second Kindergarten Teacher and Teacher Meeting, 130 teachers working in the Western Highlands, between Bratislava and Ipolyság, will meet at the Rubin Hotel in Budapest.

The event is held with the aim of expressing its appreciation for kindergarten teachers and teachers, especially considering that they play a decisive role in promoting school choice in Hungary.

In addition to professional and cultural programs, the event pays special attention to building human and institutional relationships.

At Friday's opening, the gathered teachers were greeted, among others Irén Fekete , the president of the Association of Hungarian Teachers in Slovakia. As he explained about the event on his social media page:

"It is always nice when our work is honored and appreciated, as it is well known that teachers do not do their work for the sake of financial recognition, rather they are driven by humility towards their profession, the desire to do something, and dedication. Especially if you practice this profession not in a native language environment, but as a minority."

"Our work is also made easier by the fact that we have helpers who did not leave us alone. The Rákóczi Association was among the first to extend a helping hand to us as soon as the opportunity arose. "The Association that has been working for 32 years to facilitate the preservation of the native language, culture, and identity of the Hungarians of the Carpathian Basin and the Hungarians in the highlands, as well as their survival and prosperity in their homeland," stated Irén Fekete.
The first meeting took place in Sátoraljaújhely, in the renovated Rákóczi Hotel, between September 24 and 26, where nearly 150 teachers came from Subcarpathia and the eastern part of the Highlands. In the second half of November, a similar event will be organized in Sátoraljaújhely and Szeged for other teachers mainly from Vojvodina and Transylvania.
Today's program also includes professional lectures and cultural events. Our teachers, among others, can listen to a lecture on children's literature and experiential storytelling.
Dr. László Petrovay, the
director responsible for Hungarian school choice programs of the Rákóczi Association, will talk about the situation of school choice in Hungary and the related programs of the Rákóczi Association during the afternoon.
The afternoon speakers include Mihály Takaró and Imre Molnár. The evening ends with a performance at the Madách Theater by the Hungarian teachers from the highlands.
Source: Felvidék.ma
Photo: Irén Fekete, facebook