According to the latest study by the Századvég Foundation, the role of the Democratic Coalition within the left-wing bloc is unquestionable. The analysis also points out that, by cooperating with Ferenc Gyurcsány, the left-liberal forces outside the Democratic Republic of the Congo are causing the gradual attrition of their own voter base, while contributing to the return of the ex-head of government - it was reported on M1's program Ma reglegg.

The Democratic Coalition was able to become the leading force of the opposition by gradually, as a result of very persistent and consistent political work, following a rule: if Viktor Orbán says something, then Ferenc Gyurcsány or his party, the DK, always takes the opposite position - said Zoltán Kiszelly , director of the Center for Political Analysis of the Századvég Foundation.

He then added as an explanation: if Viktor Orbán says that a strong Europe of strong nations is needed within the union, then DK is talking about the United States of Europe.

Ferenc Gyurcsány is still one of the most unpopular Hungarian politicians, so he pushed Klára Dobrev forward, thus building a new political character, behind whom he is still the party president

said the expert.

Just as Momentum also at one time created the appearance of the opposition without Gyurcsány, like Gordon Bajnai or László Botka before - they did not succeed in the same way, as presumably Péter Márki-Zay will not, since no matter what he says now, no matter how much Dobrev tries to distance himself on a communication level Klára must, sooner or later, make an alliance with DK, Zoltán Kiszelly thought.

Whoever will be the joint prime minister candidate of the opposition will have to cooperate with the DK faction in the same way as Gergely Karácsony has to cooperate with the DK in the capital assembly for two years now, he added.

For Ferenc Gyurcsány, it is not important who will be the prime minister candidate - obviously it is easier if his wife is the prime minister candidate, because then he will take over the leadership of the opposition in one step, and if Márki-Zay becomes the prime minister candidate, then in two steps, but the goal is the same, to make DK the strongest opposition party - said the expert.

Zoltán Kiszelly highlighted that after 15 years, Ferenc Gyurcsány is now the closest to subduing the opposition and making his party the undisputed leader of the opposition.

Ferenc Gyurcsány wants to control the processes from the head of the strongest opposition party in such a way that he stays in the background as much as possible, he said, and then added: The Gyurcsánys are deceiving the opposition voters, since no matter who the voters vote for, in the end they will get Ferenc Gyurcsány.

Source: / M1
