"It's only lower than this if the mole is also interested", Géza Hofi's iconic words came to mind when I was forced to review independent objective press products due to the painful fulfillment of my job duties.

My problem with them (let's not be secretive, this time it's "only" about 444, Telex and 24.hu) is not that they try to lie about being independent, this claim is already exposed when the unsuspecting reader browses through the titles of articles published on their portal.

I understand why these agencies rely on people's basest instincts, hoping for an increase in the number of clicks, i.e. hits.

The business is the business, based on the contact numbers, the suska comes from the Soros grocery store. I also understand that the unscrupulous and often dishonest use of the tools and methods used, and the sometimes violently obscene language of the writings, are acceptable to some (lower) layers of readers. Especially, of course, for those who also speak this language in their everyday life. It is also clear why the opposition's scribble houses are imbued with visceral hatred of the government and Orbán,

because if something works well, it is hell for the libshevik side.

Okay, that's what they are.

In a tabloid way, although they operate below it and build on base instincts, it is their heart's right. That's what they're paid for, that's their mission.

It's not to my taste, but I would appreciate it if they didn't advertise themselves as independent and objective, because these two things are completely missing from their repertoire. I wouldn't say a single word if I proclaimed this truth on the header of their portal:

"No matter what the government does, we still hate them."

But only those who returned home yesterday from their decades-long trip to the moon can expect such honesty from them. Or not even that.

I truly and from the bottom of my heart feel sorry for those colleagues... I almost wrote, but I recovered in time, so I feel sorry for them, because every day they have to suffer and sweat blood to find out how they serve the news that puts the government and the conservative side in a clearly positive light in a negative way, and the filth of the opposition how they can wash it white. It's a difficult craft, bordering on the impossible, and they usually don't even succeed in anything brilliant. But they don't give up, because none of Uncle Gyuri's organizations pay. And you can pay well (I didn't look up how much), because I think

no one is willing to commit great meanness for little money.

I feel sorry for the wage writers on the opposite side for another reason as well. Because they ran out of ammo. With the arrival of part of the EU funds due to us, the issue of teacher salaries fell out of the basket of their daily cursing (but no one should think that it is completely, because no matter how much increase teachers can expect, it is always little, so they don't have to stop complaining), worries about pensions have disappeared his weapon, the saber drawn due to the reduction of family allowances has been weakened.

Unfortunately for them, this is the Polish thing here, the anti-press, ÁVH methods of Tusk's government, which they cannot narrow down by accusing them of "repressing" the Hungarian press.

They would have the deification of the Libshevik leadership of the Union, but it has now become downright counterproductive. I could praise the German government, but the problem is that an entire country is about to turn against it. Still, not even the authors of the dirty papers can call the entire German nation a fascist herd. They could slander the Hungarian government as mercenaries for Israel, only then should they openly support the terrorists who behead babies with bestial cruelty. They could point across the sea, they could Americanize, but then they would have to fight against an undoubtedly demented president, an anti-Semitic university world, and a movement that kills whites. They would be happy to do so, I have no doubt about that, but even their completely blinded, sectarian readers would not take it well either.

After that, what is left for the unfortunate? Only Péter Szijjártó's T-shirt. Here we have reached Hofi's saying: It is only lower than this if the mole is also interested.

It is a primitive and pathetic attempt to portray the Hungarian foreign minister in a bad light by wearing an expensive T-shirt! How do they know that Szijjártó did not receive it as a gift or found it in a rummage? And if not, if you really paid HUF 85,000 for it, then what? I understand that they are building on the envy that undoubtedly exists in their readers, but such an effort is simply petty. I don't remember it, although I must have a bad memory

the same platforms would have condemned opposition politicians for wearing, say, million-dollar watches. But I remember how enthusiastically they defended them.

Szijjártó's t-shirt is white, but still a red flag in the eyes of the opposition bulls, because they have nothing else left to attack with.

But if you have sunk so far, let them sink even deeper. Let's say they promise a Pulitzer Prize to the writer who finds out what the Secretary of State's underpants taste like.

They could spread the irrefutable fake news that one or another politician from the ruling party was beating his wife (didn't they forget that Viktor Orbán was also rumored to be the same by the very investigative and objective dirty media), or even that he killed her (one of them, chosen at will) and Kennedy. Each claim is at least as credible as the above-named authorities.

There's only one thing that worries me. What will happen if these portals sink even lower as the elections approach? As far as I know, no animal lives deeper than moles.

Who will be interested then?