János Szikora, the director of the Vörösmarty Theater in Székesfehérvár, is directing a historical adventure film entitled Hadik about András Hadik and his hussar army.

At the Tuesday press conference on the subject, the director said: in the TV movie Judgment and Mercy, which he also directed, they had already worked together with producer Endre Nagy, who had the exceptional opportunity to make a historical adventure film about András Hadik. He undertook the arrangement at his request, he added.

According to János Szikora, making the film is a huge opportunity and responsibility, since a historical adventure film about hussars was made in Hungary a long time ago, in his opinion the last time was Sára Sándor's iconic film 80 Hussars. He indicated that this will also be a hussar story, but it will not be about the war of independence of 1848/49, but about András Hadik's hussar regiment, about which relatively little is known, just like the general.

The film will be about András Hadik's campaign in Berlin, and it will show the life of the brilliant Hungarian general, how the nobleman from the highlands became the commander-in-chief of the Austrian armies and Mária Terézia became the Minister of War.

As the director recalled, Berlin, the capital of the Prussian Empire believed to be impregnable, was occupied three times in history: Napoleon, András Hadik and the allied troops in 1945. In the time of Mária Theresa Hadik, during the War of the Austrian Succession, she carried out this daring operation, which was considered an impossible mission, when II. King Frederick of Prussia marched to the French border with his entire army and left the capital almost unprotected.

When asked, János Szikora said that Zsolt Trill plays the main role in the film, and several actors from the Vörösmarty Theater in Székesfehérvár, Tamás Sághy, Zsolt Sarádi, Illés Juhász, Sándor Gáspár, Magdolna Diána Kiss, Lili Varga, Bianka Ballér and János Derzsi play in it.

In response to MTI's question, the director stated that the filming will take place in several parts of the country, the final scene, the return of the victorious hussars, will be filmed in Székesfehérvár, and hundreds of extras are being sought for this. He said that the shooting will last from October to the middle of January, and then - after more than six months of post-production work - it will be released in cinemas in a year.


Featured image: Illustration / MTI