This Márki-Zay is so cute! And Mrs. Gyurcsány is getting married. Jakab Putyu is also so cute, all of them are like St. John the Golden Mouth. None of them ever lie until they open their mouths! Long live!

Because Fletó never claimed to be a religious person, only that he was a regular believer. So what's in it? In any case, it can be proven that he is a believer, he believes in the telling people in Brussels, as well as in the Bolshevik ideals disguised as liberals. Is it even a problem if someone has faith?

Fletó doesn't lie, he just doesn't usually tell the truth. As Prime Minister, he didn't reveal any secrets about the country's situation, but he did it right, why scare the citizens? Although he sent slightly corrected data to the Union, it is not a lie, but a specific reading of the truth. He didn't lie even when he called his lies truth-telling, so didn't he honestly and openly say in the closed session that he was fired, "not a little, a lot"? Why make such a big deal out of this? In 2006, peaceful police were attacked by mobs, and this was clearly visible from the Prime Minister's office. Just looking from there…

Mrs. Fletón is also a great truth teller. He said that a terrible dictatorship is raging here. And yes! Right? Because the main characteristic of a savage dictatorship is that you can insult the government freely and without consequences. Just look at Germany, you can praise them freely there. No one needs to fear losing their job if they support the Liberal Bolsheviks. And whoever scolds him should take it upon himself, hatred cannot be tolerated. By the way, he is also a man of faith, he believes in the slavery of nations, which he calls the United States of Europe. And he also believes that in 2006 more police officers were injured than citizens. And that the economy is in ruins, everyone here is starving, and poverty is increasing. Her husband says the same, and a good woman must believe what her spouse tells her. Also, that snakes are snakes.

And there is this child Petya. This is the Karakan guy! It's as true as the sun that fries with peppers need fries. He fearlessly presented this in the parliament as well. (Freely after Comrade Kádár, because "potato soup should be potato soup", isn't it?) He was also right in saying that he likes Parisian, because it is the caviar of little people. But only a few can afford even that, poverty is terrible. He also really needs to share his monthly salary of just over 1 million. Life is hard! And how did the little man thank you for all this? He wanted to bulldoze this great young communist in a vile Orbán way, just because he wanted to get more breaks for the worker. That's why he didn't let her work. This Petya is a blessing, the very pillar of truth! He promised that Jobbik would not ally with the left, and it didn't! The people he teamed up with are not leftists, but progressives. Continue on the Leninist road!

Finally, there is that other Petya, the Márki-Zay, who is an outspoken person. It's true, he always says a different word than just before, but he says it like that, but like that! And he withdraws it if he sees that it offends sensibilities. Where Mrs. Gyurcsány, where her husband's sensitivity. He has an upright character, a man with a backbone, he immediately apologizes if the DK party leader frowns. On the other hand, with death-defying courage, he slanders the government and its voters, while self-consciously lying about them. And he promises them, sometimes a lamp iron, sometimes - because he took pity on them - only prison, confiscation of property, possibly even from family members. But purely out of good intentions, he wants to take the burdens of life off their shoulders. Christian mercy!

Good to see you, boys and girls! We are so happy to hear from you!

But we would prefer to listen to you.

(Header image: Contra)