There is a referendum question here, which was dismissed by the court with such and such legal arguments, so now there is a fight going on. The government does not - quite rightly - leave this decision at that! But how could he leave it like that? The question, which is not allowed to be put to a referendum, reads: "Do you support gender reassignment treatments being available to minors?"

Please, we are not allowed to ask this question because TASZ (You know: Soros!-not funny!) filed a complaint against the decision of the Election Commission. The Court approved it. Anyway, all the questions were challenged, so there is no end to the hair-raising, although the other questions have been passed for the time being.

The decision states that "there is no room for further legal remedies against the order", yet the government took the case to the Constitutional Court.

In the October decision, the Court justified the annulment of the referendum question by stating that "in a future referendum, the majority of both "yes" and "no" votes would result in a conflict of fundamental rights that could only be resolved by amending the Basic Law, therefore the referendum question is the Basic Law According to Article 8, paragraph (3), point a), it concerns an excluded subject area". TASZ, which represented several applicants at the Court, wrote in its statement that if the yes votes were in the majority on this question, the result of the referendum would violate the "self-identity according to birth gender" declared in the Basic Law. The government now argues that "the Court's order is based on Article XXVIII of the Basic Law." violates the right to a fair trial contained in paragraph (1) of Article, because the Curia, deviating from the text of the question proposed for the referendum and arbitrarily expanding its content, carried out a contra legem legal interpretation".

So much for being a lawyer. Our liberal friends intend to overwrite self-identity based on birth sex. People are born male and female. This is their identity! If they want to be something else - a man to a woman, a woman to a man, both or neither - perhaps a fox or a buffalo - they can undertake that as an adult, but this is just different from their birth identity. But OK! Adults should be allowed to do this! Everyone messes up their lives wherever they want. But to start all this with children? I think 98% of Hungarian society, or at least the sane majority, would definitely reject this. The Hungarian government cannot accept this. Nor that this question cannot be put to a referendum. Specifically, a meat cleaver!

To treat children with hormones, undergo surgeries, sensitize them against the current laws of nature - this is outrageous and unacceptable. If the question is unconstitutional, then the constitution must be changed urgently! Let's hear the voice of the people!


Image: Weeks