Péter Márki-Zay says ATV's program Egyenes beszéd that he plans to send a seventh faction to the parliament, which would consist of György Gémesi's New Beginning and József Pálinkás' New World People's Party under the wings of the Hungary for Everyone Movement, and he proposed this line-up to the European People's Party in Brussels resigned instead of the Fidesz faction.

He repeatedly added to all this that this will be the real Christian-conservative right-wing party in our country, free from corruption and shining in the light of democracy.

Well, the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely is obviously in trouble, which psychologists call cognitive dissonance. In other words, it should somehow be plausibly reconciled that he is the leader of a left-wing coalition, who is conservative enough to join the European People's Party, but left-liberal enough to win elections with them, and they put him on their banner.

Gyurcsány is not only cunning, but also a coward. After Christmas, he is the second person from Hódmezővásárhely with whom he wants to scrape the chestnuts. He doesn't say, come on, we've lost it, but vote for me, here are my ideals, this is who I am, this is what I did, what's the point of this in your eyes, if nothing, then nothing, but I'll take it!

Instead, he tries to fight his way back to power, sometimes hiding behind the woman's skirt, sometimes playing puppets with mirage-headed lowland boys.

He also says: if the opposition wins the elections, then the largest faction will appoint the prime minister, who will either be Márki-Zay or not. If he is, not for long! See D-209, the assassinated Comrade Medgyessy. Something about him may soon be revealed (for example, that he is Orbán's man, or Russian cream cake, or Szechuan welfare) and then he will fly a short distance.

Márki-Zay repeatedly states in the program quoted above that he is the custodian of Hungarian conservative politics, not Fidesz and not Viktor Orbán. Well, Medgyessy - her daughter who was raised as a reporter - would say, "so how about this now?"

Obviously, Gyurcsány will leave it at that for the time being, in case there are one or two hesitant Fidesz losers among the leftists, the planned seventh faction also targets them: it would be a parliamentary team of the disappointed, presumably with 2 people. The dogs have already rejected the 106th spot on the coalition list, so you can't count on them. In other words, he has no power against his boss.

Except for the fiction that he will be the president of Jobbik instead of Jakab, who is supposed to be ousted.

Well, that could be something, it would shake the Apró family out of its dream of power and would somewhat validate the identity of the candidate for prime minister that he is still right-wing. Thus, his faction would also be present in the parliament. On the net, like the tongue of the balance, like the ever-valuable lawyer Mr. Torgyán? It's just that - pain - already Jobbik is back!

Of course, this would prematurely cover the master plan of the farmer, so not only this, but also the 2-man faction is not allowed. Because what kind of New Beginning would the Gyurcsány Szép Új világ be then? (Which dystopia was put on paper by Aldous Huxley just ninety years ago!) Chaos, poverty, deprivation, high taxes, LGBTQ, unlimited globalism!

The seventh is Péter Márki-Zay alone. In return, you can represent all of this!

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