This was the title of a cute storybook of our childhood - but even more so of our children's childhood. I'm not saying, it might seem a bit corny, from the perspective of many years, but it was made for small children, which means we couldn't expect it to lead us to philosophical heights. It was a storybook, lovable and readable.

Mosó reached Masa's level. He insinuated himself into the world of globalist politicians, and even more conspicuously into the world of globalist writers and organs. The big washing is going on, which is now brainwashing. They try to wash clean what is dirty, to paint a new past on old clothes, even Globál-Masa is already engaged in painting. It whitens what was black and blackens what was white.

How do they do it? They have a thousand ways to do this. With hypothermia, hate perfume (in my opinion, it stinks, but Masa's likes it), shame stain cleaner. their favorite method is what is forbidden in normal washing: mixing white with colored . So that in the end the brainwashed victim cannot determine the original color of the ideological robe.

In the global laundromat, the hardest-working laundresses (or men, or perhaps one of the nearly one hundred other gender identities that never existed) are the workers of the so-called progressive press. such an extent that they don't even know if what they are washing was red or brown in the past?

Their favorite topic these days is the abuse of the Child Protection Act. They rub, roll, squeeze this dress every day, and in the end they always come to the same conclusion: the law is homophobic and anti-LGBTQ. The dress maker proves to them in vain that he only protects children from the promotion of sexual aberrations, that he wants the color of the dress to remain white and not rainbow , and that this dress is not tailored for adults. The latter can be as colorful as you like. Globál-Masa just continues to shout his own: homophobic, anti-LGBTQ. Even if it isn't.

It would be nice if Masa and his friends finally closed their laundromat, but there is no chance of that. They wash when needed, when not.

What did the emancipists (read: feminists) and the entire global laundry group shout when the government made decisions encouraging childbearing and financially supporting it? To "get the hell out of my bedroom!" He didn't even want to go in there, after all, one doesn't want to watch scenes that are not very disgusting. Now, however, when LGBTQ activists are trying to force their way into the sanctuary of family education, there is no mention of "keep away from our children!".

Helping to have children is forbidden, is it safe to spoil children? Brainwashing goes by the thousands!

The latest "stone of scandal" is the move of the mayor of Nagymaros, as he allegedly removed from the library's shelves the propaganda publication for homosexual sensitization entitled "Fairy Tales for Everyone". (Hiding in the guise of fairy tales, the volume is sensitizing. see our older article . ) Or let's be very precise: the library's visitors reported the institution, after which the Balázs Heinczinger asked (and did not order!) the director of the library to remove the library until the Government Office's investigation was completed. "sensitizing" literature from the shelf.

The head of the library - let's call her Viktória Jelen - does not agree with this, which is more than sad. At the very least, it is surprising that the director of a public cultural institution would like to sensitize. Maybe that's not his job. Maybe our Victoria is so forward-thinking that she also operates a pornographic section in the library? Hardly believable, just as it is impossible to comprehend, homosexual propaganda tales do not belong in a public library. Read it only to your own children (if you have any), but don't push such "tales" under the noses of others.

Of course, Masá Mosó is upset, but so much trouble. We recommend that they wash their own and their friends' laundry in rainbow colors - just leave our clothes white. It will be better for everyone.

After what happened, launched a petition "Get LGBTQ propaganda off the children's shelves of libraries!" with title. You can join the petition here.

  (Cover image source: