It would be time to officially declare that the European Court of Justice either has no idea about the law, or - what is even worse - is deliberately defaming the legal order for political reasons, i.e. it is a body of scoundrels. Balázs Hidvéghi, a member of the European Parliament of Fidesz, commented on their yet another hair-raising decision on his social media page.  

"The European Court of Justice was even able to reject the Stop Soros package of laws. However, this Hungarian law only stated that the organization and financing of illegal migration is a crime.

That's why he stood in the way of pro-immigration forces. We acknowledge the verdict, but as long as Fidesz-KDNP is in power in Hungary, the Hungarian position will remain unchanged: migration to Europe must be stopped!"

2022plus: The court's decision fits neatly into the series of continuous, vile attacks against Hungary. The court of the Union also threatened to approve the mandatory quota system for the distribution of migrants, which is unacceptable to all sane people. This gang even dared to call the acceptance of Sargentini's false report legal, and now simply stated that the crime was not a crime.

The distribution of migrants according to a mandatory quota would be nothing more than a gross, arbitrary intervention in the life of member states, depriving a country of its right to decide who it allows and who it does not allow to enter its territory. And by approving the vote in the Sargentini case, another principle was defamed, as it was decided that the casters of the abstention votes were not even present. Such votes do not have to be included in all votes, so a decision made with a non-two-thirds majority can be qualified as a two-thirds majority.

Their vileness is even more conspicuous and disgusting, because according to their decision, those who organize or finance illegal migration cannot be prosecuted. It is as if the person who ordered a murder for hire could not be convicted, since he only financed the killer. Or the planner of a terrorist attack could go unpunished because he "Only" organized the crime.

The European Court is therefore nothing more than the nursemaid of criminals and political thugs. Of course, Hungary, which respects the law, must take note of their decision - but don't even think of complying with it!

Source: Facebook

(Cover image: Court of Justice of the European Union. Photo: image