The two leading Jobbik politicians approached the editorial office of Bors with new revealing materials. Again, they said that the majority of the party had had enough of the violent, pompous, sweeping aside style in which the president leads the party. According to them, Jobbik is rushing towards the abyss, the newspaper reports.

It is claimed that Péter Jakab leads a double life in a deceptive way, saying and showing something completely different from what the reality is. According to them, it is only the tip of the iceberg that Péter Jakab rents an apartment for himself with the Parliament, which is then rented out to someone else at a double profit. They have much rougher things up their sleeve.

This time, they brought documents about Péter Jakab's family real estate empire, primarily title deeds, reports Bors. According to the report, it became clear from these that the family members of the party chairman in the past period were in Budapest XI. in the district, apartments are being built in Buda, an area that is considered a good investment and is undergoing rapid development. Surprisingly, the Jakabs are shopping almost a few steps away from each other, near the new plaza in Kelenföld , as tricky real estate experts who accurately assessed well in advance that the opening of Etele Plaza will almost immediately increase the price of the apartments in the area by 20-30 percent.

Péter Jakab's sister and her husband first ventured into the real estate business in Kelenföld. They found an apartment on Fehérvári Street, which became the first piece of the family empire. Then came an apartment on Bocskai út, also in the name of a close family member, Sister Jakab's mother-in-law. They didn't stop there, a few months ago they bought a property on Etele Street. Last December, this apartment was registered exclusively to Jakab's brother's husband. According to the leading politicians of Jobbik, it was clearly because they did not want the name of the party chairman to appear on the property sheet , that they chose a family stromant instead.

2022plus: Péter Jakab "Parizer" is known to be the nurse of the poor and the guardian angel of the hard-working. You're also in need, supposedly. really hard to support yourself on roughly 6 million a month (your salary is not that much, it only costs the country that much along with the various representative allowances), it can be a sad life. He only messes with hard workers when he meets them. It is memorable how he shouted at the operator of the machine when a (in his opinion) "fidesz-benrec" wanted to disrupt his important (to him) filming by working.

And now they can't blame him for some real estate scam. After all, he's a normal kid, he doesn't sell (let's say a City Hall), he buys. And not even for yourself, sometimes for your brother, sometimes for your brother-in-law, or maybe your brother's mother-in-law, what are some envious people doing now? He does all this out of family love, may heaven bless him! And of course he doesn't do it, oh no! Family members, from their own saved pennies and loans. How come the properties are strangely next to each other? What could His Majesty do if the family members like that neighborhood?

Péter Parizer is a smart boy, so he won't have to worry about these properties in the annual asset declaration. Instead, we benevolently warn this great guy:

Be careful, Petya, what will happen if your sister gets divorced? The mother-in-law and mother take the wealth!

Source: Origo

(Cover image source: YouTube)