There was a system change, if I remember correctly, starting in 1990, but I don't feel the change in Budapest's theater life, and not only there, but not in many places either. We are now suffering from the anomalies of this - György Dörner, director of the Újszínház, who will soon start his third term at the head of the institution, said in InfoRádió's Aréna program.

"Returning to his term as director, we can remember that ten years ago his appointment was accompanied by controversies and protests, and then this sharp voice died down around the Újszínház. In fact, it seems that there has been too much silence around him in the past period.

Even ten years ago, the accusations made no sense, every single one they brought against me was a blatant lie. For example, said Ágnes Heller, I will march brown shirts on Andrássy út. What kind of crap is this? Sorry already. In addition, it was painted on the asphalt like this so that you don't step on it! It was. A sane person doesn't do that. They are all people struggling with psychological disorders who generated this against me and who were tools of those who generated this against me. I have to say, it hasn't stopped to this day. Silence doesn't mean that there aren't things lurking in the depths. Smoldering, smoldering.

Do you encounter this every day?

Not every day, but I'll see you. Man feels everything, because the good God has blessed him with eyes, ears, skin, nose, mouth, and other senses, he is aware of everything, sometimes even things he doesn't even want to believe. The fight is depicted in the Újszínház in the same way as at the national level, I have never understood why Hungarians have to fight against Hungarians, it makes no sense. It is likely that they teach history badly, because if they taught it well, every boy and girl studying history would know that we are not allowed to fight each other. On the one hand, we are few, and on the other hand, we are losing weight, despite all kinds of government measures, and this should make us realize. There is one Hungary, not two.

This division still exists, even in theater life.

I think it's stupid.

There are two theater companies.

Yes, I think it's silly. And it always generates conflicts. There was a system change, if I remember correctly, starting in 1990, but I don't feel the change in Budapest's theater life, and not only there, I don't feel it in many places either. Unfortunately, the change of regime was not really lucky in the cultural life.

Is the system change a little overdue?

We, who believed for a while that a change really happened or is happening, are now suffering from the anomalies of this. We are confronted every day with the fact that this is not the case, even through persons who dictate in 2021 the same way as before 1991. I won't name anyone, because it would seem personal, but my opinion in this regard is not very good. Under the heading revolution in the lexicon is that it means a radical change in property relations. It was certainly not a revolution in this regard. Ownership has not changed radically. Even now, the property relations are sometimes outrageous if you look around Hungary, the cultural relations are, if possible, even more outrageous. There is, of course, a lot of improvement in public conditions, and we are moving forward in many areas and we are increasingly able to fight the enemy, but we really have to fight the enemy and not seek their favors, so that they don't say bad things about me. If it's a fight, you have to fight the enemy. At least that's what my grandmother told me. But he even said that my Gyurika, learn that you have to run ten rounds in order to be successful in one and to be accepted. I'm aware of that, but I'm already running the hundredth lap and I'm still on the second one."

The full conversation HERE .

Featured image: MTI/Csilla Cseke