"In Hungary, basically, behind the movement of the entire opposition - I think - are foreign forces and financiers," Gyula Gansperger, the former CEO of Wallis, says in the latest audio recording. Clear speech: the entire left is driven by foreign countries. And all this is not claimed by a possibly biased Fidesz politician, but by Gyula Gansperger, whom the fallen Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai himself declared in a previous recording to be his old comrade in arms, more than a friend. Well, this Gansperger is now giving a wonderfully honest lecture to potential buyers about how the left works in Hungary in connection with the commission (read: bribery) drumming of the Budapest City Hall and other capital properties. Let's listen, because every word is worth gold!

"Right, who are these forces?" Right, one part of this is the Soros empire, let's put it this way. The other part is the big capital groups, mainly Germany, the United States, who would like to have influence here. I think that the man of these is Gordon [Bajnai Gordon]. Now, not in the bad sense of the word. No. He is the minister, former minister, who is in contact with these people. Obviously not (…) with agent 007, but these are all presidents, I don't know what they are, so there is a system for this. (…) Everything for this camp, regardless of what Gyurcsány and others say, everything comes from abroad. So it wouldn't have come together like milkshakes.

This is what the left-wing financier Gyula Gansperger, Gordon Bajnai's kissable friend, says. These thoughts should be embroidered on wall protectors or tattooed on Tímea Szabó's forehead. Soros, America, Germans. The go-to person for these is Bajnai, the goose, and the entire Tejbegriz left, whose "everything comes from abroad" by the way. Do you understand? All! (Well, the hundreds of millions of forints in party funding comes from Hungarian taxpayers, but most of it is used for overheads – hardly for national poster campaigns, advertising tsunamis, or organizing a rillion.)

Those who did not dare to believe it until now, now have to believe what we have been writing about the left-liberals in Hungary for two or three decades. It is not an exaggeration that they are in the enemy's pay. Here's the proof, the perfect confession from a left-wing financier: we're actually dealing with foreign lackeys. The Hungarian left is a network of agents run from the West. (And the writer of these lines is only confirmed by Gansperger's account in his old habit of always writing about the Hungarian left wing instead of Hungarian. It is not that non-Hungarian citizens make up DK, MSZP, Jobbik, Párbeszéd or Momentum: but because they never , they did not represent Hungarian national interests for a single second.)

Gyula Gansperger's confession has something deeper and more brutal to say than Ószöd's speech - unfortunately, it will not break the threshold of many people's irritation, nor will an anti-leftist palace revolution break out because of it. The Ószöd speech "merely" talks about the complete inability to govern a neoliberal political criminal organization operating in Hungary, its frauds and systematic lies in order to gain power. If you like: the Ószöd speech covers up a domestic conspiracy.

Gansperger's attack of honesty, on the other hand, reveals a foreign conspiracy against Hungary in amazing detail. This is aggression, even if it is not military. Hostile interference in the power relations of an ally state. Trampling the sovereignty of our country in the mud.

Moreover: if anything, this is the death of democracy, the hacking of popular representation. The one or two million Hungarians who think of themselves as left-wing and liberal naively imagine that they will be represented by whomever they vote for. Well - quoting the Ószöd classic - "a horse shit, mama!". Instead of representatives, deputies with weak mental abilities are sent to the parliament, dragged by wire from the West. He was born in Montreal or New York, trained in Berlin and Paris, trained subversives in Kabul. For those for whom Hungary is not their beloved country, it is only a temporary - but can be left at any time - place of residence, a - in their opinion - pitifully run-down stopover. For them, it's just Mucsa, which they constantly shame, sell out and sell out, and which they want to make as "peaceful" and diverse as Molenbeek and Chicago at any cost. Even if we die.

Now imagine all this in reverse! That, for example, our country would finance TV channels, press products, and "civilian" terrorist organizations in Germany and the United States, so that with their help the party we also run would come to power, and then serve Hungary's economic and political interests against the locals as a vassal. Funny, isn't it? It's not. These paid agents would find themselves in Guantánamo or some secret CIA prison in about two seconds, where they would also confess that they committed the Katyn massacre.

You can read the Magyar Nemzet article in its entirety

Photo: Zsolt Szigetváry