Two pressing issues, the Russian-Ukrainian war and energy, were discussed by the European Union prime ministers at their summit in Prague, which ended on Friday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced on his social media page. In his Facebook post, the head of government wrote: he represented the Hungarian position on the matter of war, that peace is the most important thing and that escalation should be prevented. At the moment, events are pointing in this direction, but a ceasefire and negotiations are needed

he emphasized.

I asked the leaders of the major states of the European Union to try to negotiate in order to prevent the spread of the war

said the Prime Minister.

Another important topic of the Prague summit was the energy crisis. Viktor Orbán announced:

As far as energy is concerned, all the important Hungarian national goals were achieved there. We were exempted from the points of the eighth package that were harmful to us. This sanctions package does not apply to Hungary's gas supply, nor to the energy from nuclear power plants, and even allows Hungary to continue building the Paks 2 nuclear power plant without disturbance.

He added: "And finally, we called on the committee to take immediate action to reduce energy prices after the sanctions have sent energy prices skyrocketing across Europe."

In our opening picture, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán arrives at the informal meeting of the heads of state and government of the European Union in Prague. (Photo: MTI/Zoltán Fischer)
