"The volume was last published in 1939, which was very difficult to find in public collections even today. When I was able to turn the pages of a 1939 edition for the first time a few years ago, I was shocked to find that thanks to the "cultural policy" after 1945, we were once again thoroughly misled," emphasized the author of the volume's foreword, the historian Gyöngyi Nagy, who has been researching Cécile Tormay's work for several years and led the activities of the National Association of Hungarian Women.

Everyone knows Cécile Tormay from her book Bujdosó, which became famous and infamous, and she is still judged on that basis! But the Struggles. Memories c. volume, which after the writer's death in 1937, was arranged for the press by Count Ambrózy-Migazzi Lajosné , reveals how much Cécile Tormay worked for her nation! And he should be judged based on that, not for what everyone could be condemned for in that age, because anti-Semitism was part of the zeitgeist in the Horthy era," emphasized Gyöngyi Nagy.

Tormay Cecile's cat

image: promenad.hu

The historian highlighted, "Struggles. The publication of the book "Memoirs" is now of great importance, because by reading these writings we can realize again and again that only the merits gained through work can be worthy of our attention, and only those people can be our role models for whom the everyday work done in honor is important.

"In addition to the fact that in this volume we can get to know Cécile Tormay's patriotism, the brave, outspoken, truth-loving woman, often critical of her own environment, with a sharp eye, and the Seer with an incredible ability to feel and experience and blessed with infinite faith - we also get something else from her, and not only us Hungarians: we have to work and struggle even if it seems that the result is a long way off, because this is the purpose of human existence: to give, to serve the community of which we are members. That is why Cécile Tormay represents universal human values!" - concluded the author of the volume's foreword.

Source: erdely.ma

(Cover image: promenad.hu)