the joint declaration of the Hungarian churches published on December 9 in defense of marriage, family and human dignity, the Standing Conference of the Leaders of the Hungarian Historical Churches of Transylvania announced on Wednesday.

According to the announcement, Pope Francis also emphasized during his visit to Budapest that the sanctity of marriage is between a man and a woman.

In the Jewish tradition, the sanctification of the male-female relationship through marriage is also the basis of human dignity, they wrote.

The representatives of the Catholic and Protestant churches and Jewish communities supporting the declaration "in preparation for Christmas and in the light of the Hanukkah candles, as well as in response to the social debates that have been intensifying in recent times, we hereby confirm the importance of Jewish and Christian values ​​regarding marriage, family and human dignity " - reads the communiqué. On behalf of the Transylvanian denominations, the declaration of support is signed by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Gyulafehérvár, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nagyvárad, Szatmár and Temesvár, the Transylvanian Reformed Church District, the Királyhágómellék Reformed Church District, the Hungarian Unitarian Church and the Romanian Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Source: MH

Featured image: JAMES HARDY / AFP