Fifty years ago, one of the most beautiful films in Hungarian cinema, Zoltán Huszárik's groundbreaking Szindbád, a Krúdy paraphrase, was shown.

Zoltán Huszárik searches for the twilight of life, conjuring memories of the past resplendent in colors from the fading present, balancing on the thin border between existence and passing away, dream and reality, desires and reality, in the nature that is constantly and in itself renewing itself, in the sight of beautiful women, at a laid table, in the inexhaustible enjoyment of sensual pleasures the hero of his film, Sinbad, woven from magical images, if not the meaning of life, but at least the beauty of human existence.

Because, make no mistake, the 1971 movie Sindbád is primarily the hero of the director, Huszárik (and of course also, at least, Zoltán Latinovits, who portrays the role perfectly, Sándoré Sára, the cameraman who captures the world bursting with colors and moods, Gujdár, who takes the impressive macro shots Józsefé, and the same cinematography, this time also that of dramaturg János Tóth). Zoltán Huszárik searches for the beauty of the world and the fullness of life through his alter ego Gyula Krúdy.

The film's tagline: "Life, life, holy bored life, how good it is to come back to you!"

Even after half a century has passed, we can safely say that this cinema is the 20th century. the most poetic Hungarian film of the 20th century, and we hope that several pieces of Krúdy's wonderful and rich oeuvre will be processed in the future.


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