"My dear daughter Déván, she starts the new year with a smile, in the first minute of the first of January 2022, i.e. at 00:01. Yes, let's hurry with a smile, let's go, find the Little One in Mary's arms, find happiness in the Holy Family! Let's not solve the problems and problems of the big world, but only our own, maybe we should complete our gray, small, but real tasks! Every minute has its own task, we all know our state duties! As a good New Year's resolution, we undertake to do all the work honestly, which we ourselves have decided to do with good intentions, which is what the command of love asks of us!

Wherever you are, do what you have to do with good intentions, precisely, nicely, and the world will be better!

12.30 Holy Mass, greeting of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God! In the church dedicated to Mary, we start the year by greeting our heavenly Mother!

20.00 Litany of Loretto: Pope Francis calls for intergenerational dialogue to build peace on the occasion of the World Day of Peace! We get together with our children and colleagues every evening to pray and talk! I can confidently say that it really works, because despite all the difficulties, there is peace in our house. It's good to pray together, talk, and end the day smiling at a table! Stay with us!"

With love, Csaba t.

Cover image: MTI/ISTVÁN BIRÓ