Like many prominent members of the rainbow coalition, Péter Márki-Zay does not take the standards of freedom of press and speech seriously. On one occasion, the new press chief of the left-wing prime ministerial candidate even shoved a reporter from the Mediaworks News Center. - can be read in Magyar Nemzet .
Just in the last few months, we can mention quite a few cases when prominent members of the Gyurcsány coalition made insulting and humiliating comments to journalists who hold views different from theirs, and it has almost become standard practice to not even allow them to ask questions. There were also instances where the location of an informative event was only disclosed to the friendly press.
Instead of Péter Márki-Zay standing in front of the press and giving answers to journalists when they ask about his controversial statements, the left-wing prime ministerial candidate prefers to run away from these situations. In addition, the new press chief of the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely continues the practice that has become routine on the left, of treating media workers with a different world view from his own in a superior and arrogant manner.
Judit Péterfi even tried to prevent the press from speaking to Márki-Zay at all, and even pushed the reporter from the Mediaworks News Center.
At times, even the prime ministerial candidate of the rainbow coalition cannot disguise his arrogance. At last summer's Tranzi, he insulted one of the spectators who voiced his views that he did not like: in a rather unusual style for a serious politician, he shouted "come here!". All of this is even more special in light of the fact that the central element of the left's self-image is the emphasis on the importance of freedom of speech and the press.
I want to live in a country where people are allowed to work. Where the teacher can teach, the journalist can ask - this is what Gergely Karácsony said when he ran for the position of prime ministerial candidate of the left. Compared to this, the mayor did not live up to the standard he had set himself for even one minute, as he regularly only informs friendly media about a press event, and allows right-wing journalists no more than one question, to which he answers in many cases with a personal, insulting comment instead of a substantive answer.
You can read the entire article in Magyar Nemzet
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