"Lőrince Mészáros will build a flagpole on the Citadel for 5.3 billion!" - screams the carefully composed message from Ferenc Gyurcsány's Facebook page, with your number in extra size, of course, colored orange, so that the blood pressure rises to the highest possible range and the prefrontal cortex is sufficiently paralyzed: the state will pay Löl 5.3 billion for a broken rod, the mind stops. - writes Francesca Rivafinoli on the Vasárnap.hu portal.

Gyurcsány - Facebook

Photo: Facebook

The post has been paying attention ever since, with nearly 3,000 angry reactions, lots of likes and 1.7 thousand shares, the machine is moving, the creator is resting on Szemlőhegy. Just as Facebook's fact-checkers are resting, who should have sounded the alarm a long time ago about the spread of fake news - 5.3 billion is of course the total cost of the current renovation of the Citadella , including the reconstruction of approximately 10,000 square meters of wall space, but how lame would it be to rewrite the post with a smaller one to lies when you so reliably deliver the snarky-hanging-phase comments in all the recesses of the Internet.

While Péter Márki-Zay is lamenting on his own side that lies and deliberately misunderstood sentences dominate the public. "We can't get bogged down in their depravity!" - states the candidate for Prime Minister, so let's not get too carried away, but let's see how the situation is with this Citadel and the investments "close to the NER".

The 35-meter flagpole itself, together with the flag-pulling motor and foundation, actually costs HUF 106 million (i.e. one-fiftieth of the price announced by Ferenc Gyurcsány), the magnitude of which I am unable to judge due to lack of construction industry expertise, but it is a fact that the 22-meter flagpole in front of the Parliament, in 2006, the then government paid HUF 60 million for a mast without a motor. In proportion, this corresponded to the amount of 960 minimum wages, the current flagpole costs 633 minimum wages in today's conditions. So, if the current one is overpriced, then Ferenc Gyurcsány should not necessarily create the mood because of it.

Gyurcsány F.

Image source: Facebook

However, there is also a more general cajoling factor here:

Francesca Rivafinoli's full article here .

Featured image: MTI/Várkapitányság