Back in March, I received a study that deals with the exploration of pedosexual networks in Berlin in connection with organized sexual child abuse. The authors - Iris Hax and Sven Reiß - encountered continuous resistance during their research, and their study was immediately in the crossfire of the progressive media after its publication. Because it turns out that the pedophile lobby has been closely cooperating with gay rights movements, left-wing circles, renowned scientists, state and private institutions for decades. Specifically, they jointly operate a wide pedosexual network. This network fights for the legalization of pederasty and has been engaged in child prostitution since the 1970s.

The study focuses on the relationship between pedosexuality and homosexual interests. Legal homosexual businesses (publishers, newspapers, galleries, bookstores, sand cafes) gave space and exposure to the distribution of various pedophile products, such as child pornography, for the sake of greater profit.

The pedophile activists skillfully connected to gay rights movements, they had a common interest in lowering the legal age of consent. They were in solidarity with each other: the Pedophile Society (because there is such a thing) entrusted the care of the legacy of deceased pedophiles and pederasts to the Gay Museum in Berlin (because there is such a thing), and the museum expanded its collection and research in this direction. The authors of the study, reviewing the estate, were certainly forced more than once to report ex officio for defacement, rape, and abuse.

The Germans knew about rape committed against minors. the director committed sexual violence against his students for decades, raised a lot of dust From time to time, the press aired some cases.

If this was connected to a left-wing group, the story of pedophilia and molestation within the Catholic Church immediately followed, which could be horrified, while attention was diverted from the real danger, the socially destructive attempts of the neo-Marxists in '68.

The Greens have stood up for pedophilia from the beginning. The child also has the right to self-determination and personal happiness!

For example, if you feel like having sex with an older person of the same or different sex, do it calmly, even if you go against your family's values, the Greens announced, and in their program they wanted to delete the criminalization of sexual relations with minors from the German Civil Code. They believed that the age of consent was also unnecessary, because it is inhumane to tie the pleasures of sex to age and other specific conditions. They did not deal with legal concepts such as defacement, molestation, indecent assault, rape, nor were they interested in the fact that psychiatry considers pedophilia a mental illness.

In the eighties, the Greens were still alone with their modern ideas. The left at the time pointed out that they wanted to use minors as objects of pleasure. Because of them, children cannot be allowed to walk to school alone, as they may be sexually assaulted on the way, which can cause permanent psychological damage.

Of course, the Greens did not just invent such sick things by themselves, these were scientifically based projects. There were always one or two social psychologists, pedagogues and other scientists who produced these ideas. Among them, perhaps the best known is Helmut Kentler, a professor from Hanover, who was an active supporter of pedosexuality in his writings and in practice, and was considered a key figure in the network. In the nineties, with the support of the Berlin Senate, he carried out his infamous social experiment, in which he placed orphaned children with pedophile foster fathers. Kentler's theorems are still valid today, and even serve as the basis of neo-emancipation social pedagogy.

We can safely say that the issue of pedosexuality was embraced by the left-wing alternative movements. The youth program of the Greens was initially shaped by the "Indian commune" created by the radical leftists. We have already seen how. In this commune, "child-loving" adults lived together with sexually immature minors in order to satisfy the children's supposed sexual needs directly and selflessly. Sex with daddy is good! the Little Indians proclaimed. The chief Indian was Cohn-Bendit's comrade-in-arms from the days of '68, Uli Reschke. The female members of the commune later became independent and created the pedo-lesbian women's advocacy and support department in Berlin. We Hungarians know little about the German Greens, we don't even care. Cohn-Bendit, a former Green EP representative, was also mentioned only after his attack against us, to the extent of a feeble riposte. At some point, the Bandita said that he wanted to please the children when he was still a preschooler, and he allowed them to pull the zipper on the front of his pants. We cannot imagine the depravity behind the story.

I think that's enough of the deviant German sexual subculture, which has now become rainbow colored and is vehemently attacking the Hungarian child protection law. I could say that it all worked out for them. Not that they want to study it, since they don't even read it. It's good for them to be able to point the finger at the remaining down-to-earth Hungarians, who enshrine in law exactly what they want to abolish. German children's rights activists are also preparing to amend the law. They want to change section 6 of their constitution because it says the same thing as our constitution about marriage and family.

Raising a child is a parent's natural right and duty, and children cannot be taken away from them against their will. Children's rights defenders want to change this passage and include children's right to sexual self-determination in the Basic Law. According to real child defenders, it is for pedophile purposes. Because the child's right to gender self-determination would abolish the criminalization of pedosexuality. A well-known pedophile activist started collecting signatures so that LGBTQI etc. navigating the waters, the right to sexual identity, even gender reassignment, and all types of gender identities should be enshrined in the Basic Law.

This would ensure the protection of sexual minorities, which would then fit any color and any number of letters.

On the very day that Máté Kocsis introduced the anti-pedophile law package in the parliament, the "Independent Commission for the Investigation of Sexual Crimes Against Children" announced an online conference in Germany. The theme of the conference was the exploration of the activities of the pedosexual network in Berlin between 1970 and 2000, based on the above-mentioned study. Due to the pandemic, the event, which was held without questions, protests or media coverage, was professional and factual, focused on history and dealt with the psychological trauma suffered by the victims. He almost supported the arguments made in the Hungarian parliamentary debate. It is a responsibility towards society as a whole, said the chairman of the independent commission, and this requires a wider forum and "clear political will".

It is not known whether there will be enough political will. There is a civil will, Demo für Alle, the forum of the German civil coalition with several million people, demands the restoration of "normality" in Germany in accordance with the Basic Law. The family is the foundation of society, they say, it must be protected and supported, marriage is a free decision of men and women, its purpose is to start a family and have children. And the child has the right to a biological father and a biological mother, he has the right to be raised by his parents.

Here at home, let us hope for the normalization of German-Hungarian relations. When the German media points the finger at Hungarians who are "nationalist, homophobic, restricting rights, struggling with rule of law problems", they are actually using us to solve their own problems, the growing social tensions. Delving into the topic, I felt like I did during the 2015 migration crisis. Even then , Hungary was attacked because it recognized where acceptance and acceptance without reason leads. To eradicate European culture.

Author: Irén Rab

(Our cover image is an illustration. Image source: ANP/AFP/Roos Koole)