Kálmán Mikszáth was born on January 16, 1847, so today is the 175th anniversary of the birth of our great writer. The strikingly formulated thoughts of the writer, who was also very popular in his lifetime, still hold their place today. Thus, instead of any biographical and literary appreciation, we will publish a few quotes.

"Nowadays there are so many different kinds of diseases that it makes you go crazy when you think about them." 

"You see, the future scares me." As if there was something shocking, something scary about it. It often appears as if a dark mountain is about to collapse on me.  

- Nothing, not even money runs out as fast as respect and authority, once you start spending it.

- What does a person know to dare to judge the contents of a skull, with the strength of his own skull.

"My God, it's hard to be a smart person!"


Image source: Arcanum

– In God's chamber, hope is in the biggest bag, and its string is always untied so that everyone can reach into it.

Source: idezetabc.hu