Young people are welcome to apply for the ÖKO-logika Carpathian Basin Environmental Protection Team Competition. In the 2021/2022 academic year, the Association of Hungarian Teachers of Slovakia will also organize the ÖKO-logica Carpathian Basin Environmental Protection Team Competition for grades 7-9 of elementary schools and grades 2-4 of eight-year high schools. for grade students. Application deadline is February 28.

The purpose of the competition is to deepen knowledge about the environment, to develop the ability to acquire knowledge independently, and to lay the foundation for systemic, complex ecological thinking in the knowledge of global sustainability problems and the finite capacities of the earth system.

In addition, the competition also focuses on enriching natural science knowledge and nurturing talent.

The organizers are waiting for applications from groups of three members. The members of each group can be of mixed age groups.

The competition consists of two rounds. First, a written test is waiting for the applicants. Among the main topics of the written round are the basic concepts of environmental protection, the search and determination of processes and connections. The oral round consists of a short presentation. The topic of this can be the exploration and research of environmental protection problems in the place of residence or in the neighborhood with proposed solutions, or any nature conservation topic.

As the organizers emphasized: the competition will take place in person or online, depending on the current epidemiological situation. The date of the final is April 29, and the venue (in case of personal participation) is the Mór Jókai Elementary School in Komárom.

You can apply electronically at the link below.

You can read more details on the website of the Association of Hungarian Teachers in Slovakia and in our Applications.


Featured Image: Pixabay