In the conversation, which turned out to be quite friendly, there was talk of border protection and the fact that the Hungarian government is hated by the liberals because, in their opinion, it pursues a conservative and successful policy. The reporter is expected to visit Hungary again.

We are conservative and successful, which is why the liberals hate Hungary - among other things, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó talked about this in a friendly Fox News interview with Tucker Carlson, a known fan of Donald Trump and Viktor Orbán.

The interview dealt with the topic of border protection for the first time. For the first time, the head of the ministry expressed his appreciation to Carlson for presenting "the reality" about Hungary, according to him, this is extremely rare, since "we usually have to face the lies and fake news created by the international liberal mainstream, and your interview and report on Hungary is a breath of fresh air for us.

In response to the reporter's question, Péter Szijjártó said that the foreign ministers of the European Union usually send him text messages during discussions about border protection, migration, and security-related issues, saying "I'm doing well, keep going, and things like that."

"And then, when I ask them at the end of the debate, why didn't you support me, my dear friends, they say that back home there are NGOs, the liberal media, the coalition government, pressure, and so on" he listed.

From this, he came to the conclusion that others do not pursue similar policies because they are "under pressure" from the media, NGOs and the political elite, which he calls the international liberal mainstream.

Tucker Carlson then stated that their foreign policy establishment consists of hysterical idiots whose entire lives have been accompanied by failure, according to him they hate Hungary and refer to it as a dictatorship, "which is obviously not true, since it is a democracy".

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade believed that the ten million Hungary is so threatening to them because, according to him, the government implements a "patriotic, Christian-based" policy, according to him, "we are conservative and at the same time successful."

So basically our existence is a danger to them, because they claim that a progressive, successful political system can only be realized if we are extremely liberal - summed up Péter Szijjártó.

Tucker Carlson is coming to Hungary again:


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