In her Facebook post, Klára Dobrev praised Roberta Metsola, otherwise pro-people, for being elected President of the European Parliament on Tuesday.

At the same time, the DK representative could not actually list many positives for Metsola, except that she "shares views similar to ours", and that she is a woman, and last but not least, the Orbáns hate her enough.

This is more than enough for Klára Dobrev, who is charitablely silent about what  caused István Ujhelyi to jump out of his skin , it appears that as a result of the elections, there is currently no Hungarian vice-president in the EP - who is of Roma origin - since Lívia Járóka withdrew from the candidacy in the first after the round, and Dobrev himself, presumably due to the unpopularity experienced among European socialists, did not even start the competition. So there is no Hungarian representation, but at least the Orbáns hate the People's Party representative, which already fills the Hungarian democrats with satisfaction.

 Why Klára Dobrev can still be happy can be indicated, among other things, by the fact that the Maltese representative is a consistent supporter of migration: in recent years, she has repeatedly advocated the mandatory distribution of migrants within the EU. In this capacity, he therefore meets the criterion that he "holds similar views" to the DK - the European Hungarians. In addition, Metsola is one of the European vanguards of LGBTQ rights, who also protested about the Polish LGBTQ zones. In addition, as the Center for Basic Rights recalls, in 2018 the representative was the "shadow reporter" of the People's Party for the so-called Sargentini report, which regarding Hungary requested the Council to initiate the procedure under Article 7.

As they add, it is typical that Metsola expressed his concern about, among other things, the monitoring of NGOs financed from abroad in Hungary. Metsola is also  on the list compiled by György Soros' Open European Policy Institute of the MEPs who can be reliable allies of the speculator. It is also highlighted here that the Maltese representative is very interested in migration issues, civil liberties, gender issues, LGBTQ and minority rights. In addition, he was the so-called "shadow rapporteur" of the Lunacek report adopted in 2014, which formulated the European rights of the LGBTQ community.

Roberta Metsola

In her Facebook post, Klára Dobrev already spoke of the newly elected EP President Roberta Metsola as her own person, with whom she shares similar views. He even shared a photo with a DK logo of Metsola, who is otherwise a conservative Maltese politician. Image: facebook

However, there is also an area of ​​Metsola's activity in which he does not "share views similar to the DK", namely in the area of ​​indigenous minorities, including Hungarians across the border, and the issue of abortion. The good relationship between Metsola and the People's Party RMDSZ, which strengthened during the Minority SafePack minority protection initiative, hints at the former. RMDSZ MEP Vincze Loránt, one of the initiators and guardians of the Minority SafePack,  wrote in his Facebook post that Metsola is the first female president of the house for two decades, a capable politician who did not see the fact that she comes from the smallest member state as a disadvantage, but as an advantage translated. He is an excellent connoisseur of many topics, a skilled orator, and perfectly balances various political interests while remaining consistent with his principles.

The full article of Pesti Srácok can be read here.

Image: Origo/AFP