It may easily happen that Ferenc Gyurcsány eventually replaces Péter Márki-Zay, writes Tamás Fricz in Magyar Nemzet.

"Oh, poor opposition! - we could say with some irony. We have good reason to say this - and yet it is worth paying attention to something. But more on that later. First of all, let's make it clear: the rainbow coalition is really not in a good position - and we put it very delicately then.

Because we can safely say: the opposition primary did not turn out the way the Gyurcsánys would have liked. Obviously, they started from the assumption that either Dobrev or Karácsony will win the competition, each of them will be excellent, because they carry out the will of the "boss" (Gy. F.), Dobrev on a family basis, and Karácsony because he really is nothing more than a dummy.

However, they didn't count on the fact that Karácsony will go solo for the first time in his life: he withdraws from the prime minister's casting, partly because he got tired of the puppet role, and partly because he may have realized that the prime minister's candidacy is not for him after all, because it is already too big a jacket for him. He might have been alarmed, and since he stepped back, he is apparently freer than before, so he did not regret his decision, in fact. Another issue is that his liberation is manifested in the fact that he lies morning, night, night and day in connection with the corruption network around the capital, and he is unable to resign , which would normally be inevitable. But what is the normal case on the left-liberal side?"...

...And so Péter Márki-Zay became the runner-up. Márki-Zay was actually a dark horse, in fact, even the left didn't know what to expect from him in the position of Prime Minister candidate. Well, in the last three months, they received the answer to this open question, and they are hardly happy: Márki-Zay makes it clear to the Hungarian voters, even to the leftists, that he is unfit to be the prime minister of this country.

Within a few days, Márki-Zay is able to claim that something is black, and later that it is white... It is also clear that nothing else is behind his "changes of opinion", such as Gyurcsány's general staff, which made him understand that the he has to urgently forget the rock-hard neoliberal mantra he has been saying so far, because the "stupid Hungarian people" are unable to understand that what is good for them is what is good for the multi-companies. That's why they have to lie constantly, promise what they want to hear, and then after the elections, neoliberal austerity measures, the reduction of the role of the state, privatization in the large service sectors, health care, education, and the blessed role of the market can come.

However, the problem - I mean the opposition's problem - is that Márki-Zay was regulated too late. In the last three months – until the other opposition leaders recovered from the unexpected primary election result and licked their wounds – their hero rodeoed around the international media, the European Union, Hungarian cities and villages, and spread his hair-raising ideas that put Milton Friedman to shame , "I came from America, the motto of my craft is the market and profit"-like craziness.

In other words, they told Márki-Zay to take it back too late. They made him withdraw his theses, and he is now trying to do so in his own way. But who the hell believes him now? Perhaps even some of the left-wing voters are not the kind to swallow it without a word. In other words, one way or another - but mostly anyway - Márki-Zay became discredited before the voters. That is why I say that this is no longer just a trap for the 22nd, but a 2022 trap for the opposition. And we can say two and a half months before the elections that we can sit back and ask for a coffee?

No, there's no such thing, actually!

Source: Hungarian Nation

The full article can be read here.

(Cover photo: Sándor Somfai / Democrat)