On Tuesday evening, the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely was a guest on ATV, where he was able to say that he would offer five million forints to those who can prove the five lies spread about him. In other words, he will give HUF 1 million to whoever proves that he really said that he would cancel the utility bill, allow migrants in, make health care pay, send Hungarians to India for eye surgery, and close emergency departments and maternity wards. He added that they certainly can't provide evidence for this, since he never said such things.

Well then, let's see!

One of Péter Márki-Zay's statements regarding the overhead reduction can be seen in one of the videos on Greenpeace Hungary's Facebook page. In this, he is able to say: the problem with these irresponsible steps, like the overhead reduction, is that they are very easy to promise, give, and extremely difficult to cancel".

This is how he argued: we know that the previous government fell into this in part by abolishing, say, the 13th monthly pension. So these are extremely dangerous... We are not even talking about the elimination of utility cuts, since once the Orbán government granted this to someone, then it is very difficult to get out of it".

We all remember the legendary phrase of Péter Márki-Zay: it is possible to reduce overheads, how could it be: you have to use less water, you have to use less electricity, you have to use less gas."

And the most beautiful thing: We do not want to maintain the form of utility reduction invented by Viktor Orbán."

In October last year, the left-wing prime ministerial candidate gave an interview to CNN.

Behind the hate propaganda, the Orbáns let in immigrants with settlement bonds and guest workers for money, just like any other European country; What I would change is essentially the elimination of the hate campaign and the humane treatment of refugees, regardless of where they come from," said Péter Márki-Zay when asked about migration.

The mayor of Hódmezővásárhely also expressed his pro-immigration views in the propaganda book written about him by the fallen television presenter, currently a Gyurcsány politician, Kálmán Olga.

According to Márki-Zay, the most important issue is not immigration itself, but integration".

According to him, "as long as Hungary is a member of the union, the government cannot prevent this, especially it cannot make a distinction such that those with black skin or Muslims cannot come, while the others can".

Márki-Zay, a career leftist, also expressed the opinion that, overall, a large number of simultaneous immigrations had a more positive than a negative effect on the economic development of a given region.

A Canadian-type society based on love and acceptance is needed in Hungary as well, so that in a generation at the latest, the society will be much more inclusive, and children born from mixed marriages will also become enthusiastic patriots," explained the pro-immigration politician to the failed television station .

The full article from 888.hu can be read here.

Image: Magyar Hírlap