The situation is serious, Orbán said yesterday at a joint press briefing with Russian President Viktor Putin, and it really seemed that Putin would not swallow the Ukrainian frog offered to him and that he felt deeply offended by the behavior of the West. We have been tricked, he said finally, and it is a creepy feeling to see that the leader of a nuclear power with super weapons is here under the gardens so determined to protect his country.

It is clear that Viktor Orbán primarily fulfilled a mission of peace, and although the other results achieved in Moscow were also very important, the message is still the most important:

Europe does not want war!

The Hungarian Prime Minister, often referred to as a black sheep, clearly spoke on behalf of Europe. In such cases, it is good if someone maintains good relations with the East, right dear left-liberal, Western-Orthodox Brusselsites?

Because the situation is serious.

And in this serious situation, a strong and unified Hungarian position is necessary. It is completely unimaginable for me that such a confused person as Péter Márki-Zay would negotiate with Putin, for example. Not only because he refutes his previous sentences every minute, because he peddles stupid and deviant views, but primarily because there is no unity behind him. And he won't be able to create. He who wants to be the boss of everything cannot be the boss of everyone. You can't talk out of a government that the prime minister is talking nonsense, starting with the Roma issue and ending with economic issues. That he is only allowed to say anything in front of supervisors. András Simon and Judit Péterfi are almost in the lead. And the president of DK and Jobbik constantly makes statements refuting him. No one takes him seriously, he cannot have a faction and it seems that he will not have much say in the joint list either.

There is no strength and unity on the left, there is only pub heat. Don't let Orbán go to Moscow! they shouted.

Let his henchmen escort Márki-Zay there so that he can say things that will really start a war.

Of course not, war wouldn't break out! The laughter!

Such a situation is not serious!


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