Today, due to its civil and Christian nature, Hungary is being tried to be deprived of its freedom by external and internal hostile forces with a campaign of slander and dictatorial violence on an almost unprecedented scale.

"Communism is not only a political party, but primarily a worldview; against religion, against God, against the human soul, against the Apostles' Creed, against the Ten Commandments and morality. He murders, robs, and overcrowds prisons and Siberian labor camps. It destroys the individual, destroys the family, and turns the crowd into a herd. The moment someone is a communist, the moment he ceases to be a Christian. The Christian believer in Christ, the communist, denies Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for him, not for 30 pieces of silver, but only for a fraud. His faith is impiety, his morals are immorality. I know world history. This is the cruelest system in history." "Freemasonry is the same in a frock coat as Bolshevism is in bare feet." (József Mindszenty)

Fatima's message to Hungary today

Every year, October is the month of the Rosary, as well as the anniversary month of the last apparitions at Fatima. In the apparitions, in addition to the messages about atonement, special importance was given to the increased attention to fight and resistance against the satanic ideology, atheistic communism, which was already spreading in the world at that time.

József Mindszenty-Pehm on the relationship between religion and politics

József Mindszenty-Pehm already in the XX. In the first half of the 20th century, he took a firm position on the relationship between politics and religion, which was also in full harmony with the canon law of that time. Zala confirmed this position in the County Gazette, then in his Memoirs, and in a statement from Vienna as follows.

"Politicization could only be separated from the priestly profession if religion and politics could also be separated, i.e. if religion was nothing more than an abstract theory, a celestial or aerial phenomenon that has nothing to do with earthly, practical life, and if the politics would at least leave this abstract system alone. However, religion is not a mere theory, but life and reality, which governs morality and, with it, nation, family, individual, justice, legal order, economy, in other words, the whole of life. However, politics also interferes strongly in the affairs of religion and external organizations of religion, which is why it is necessary to counterbalance, and religion to intervene in politics. And since without morality and honor, the legal and social order is lost, the economic order and the power of the nation collapse, the politics of religion must come to the aid of the state by bringing soul, discipline and style into human activity and asserting its word and influence in social both in organizations and in the legislature. Party can only be countered by party, and serving the national cause not with sentimental humanism, not with general phrases, but with adoring, devoted love always providentially designates for the clergy the party for whose program they must defend the most sacred interests of their country with the weapons of politics."

Zala County Gazette January 31, 1926

"(...) since politics can bring down the altar and destroy immortal souls - as it has happened so many times throughout history - I considered it a seriously obligatory pastoral task to promote the more thorough information and enlightenment of voting citizens, even along the lines of party politics. My understanding was that with a firm stance and clear guidance from pastors, it is possible to prevent anti-religious movements - or movements that destroy societies and public morals - from coming to power. It is a sign of the weakening of faith if the church takes a neutral position in party politics against atheistic movements and leaves the decision to the conscience of its followers who have been deceived in this way."

József Mindszenty: My memoirs. Szent István troupe, 1989. 28-29. side

"The Vatican Council also declared: the Church can always and everywhere use the right to pass judgment on political phenomena, when personal liberties and the welfare of souls require it." /ZDF Magazine, October 10, 1974. Cardinal Mindszenty's statement in Vienna/

Mindszenty letter book, page 103. Compiled by: István Mészáros. Budapest, 1997. Published by: Eötvös József Könyv- és Lapkiadó Bt. http://www.eucharistí

The above firm, non-negotiable statements are almost more relevant today than ever. That is why it is completely unacceptable that the clergy - including the entire church leadership as a body - should not express an opinion on political issues. In addition, every citizen in this country has the legal right to free political expression, and also the fact that if any political trend is against the Christian teaching, let alone with the natural morality of a normal orientation, then he can raise his voice against it on a moral basis, say that following and supporting such a line is a crime against God and against humanity.

XII. Pope Pius' declaration and its moral consequences

Since the current form of atheistic communism and - to use the quote from the motto - freemasonry (liberal-Bolshevik trend, in today's terms) that comes from the same root attacks Christianity and normal natural morality in an unprecedented way, therefore XII. Pope Pius' short but all the more serious statement has lost none of its relevance and impact.

XII. Pope Piusz's decision dated July 1, 1949 (DH 3865), which is still in force today, which XXIII. Confirmed by Pope John (DH 3930), it reads as follows: "Those faithful Christians who profess the materialistic or anti-Christian teachings of the communists, especially if they defend and propagate them, are considered apostates of the Catholic faith based on this fact, and are subject to excommunication under the scope of the Holy Apostolic See , and they cannot contribute to the sacraments (DH 3865).” When the people's representatives are elected, Catholic citizens are NOT ALLOWED to vote for parties or candidates who, even if they do not express principles contrary to Catholic teaching, (...), but still associate with the communists and support them with their actions (DH 3930).

It can also be seen from the above that the Church always has an obligation to express its opinion even at the highest organizational level, i.e. to protect Christians and all people of good will, especially when Christians are under external or internal attack anywhere in the world. Among others, XI provides an example to be followed. Pope Pius' encyclical Divini Redemptoris and XIII. Pope Leo's Apostolic Letter on Freemasonry.

Today, due to its civil and Christian nature, Hungary is being tried to be deprived of its freedom by external and internal hostile forces with a campaign of slander and dictatorial violence on an almost unprecedented scale. Wolves who falsely pretend to be Catholics, but are actually in sheep's clothing, are also actively participating in this campaign (obviously not by chance, but in order to influence the more naive religious voters - liberalism and faithful Catholicism never get along).

Since there will be decisive parliamentary elections in Hungary in 2022, it is necessary, in accordance with the above, to clearly state that a person who truly considers himself and professes to be a Catholic cannot vote for parties that want to bring the Hungary of St. Stephen and the Virgin Mary under the rule of an atheistic world government, and those who forcibly they want to impose gender deviance and aberrations, which are completely contrary to divine creation, even on minors, and those who want to bring a wave of migration that is foreign to the country and is destroying the nation (for the sake of clarity, we are talking about those who made it necessary to erect a border fence to protect the country's border) . The programs of such parties, which are completely foreign to Hungarians (no matter what they promise in them) - now again referring to the three statements of József Mindszenty-Pehm quoted above - can never receive support from a person who truly claims to be a Christian. As Cardinal Mindszenty also stated on another occasion: "A lie remains a lie if it is proclaimed by millions, raped by millions and accepted by hundreds of millions." The stamp that it bears on the forehead of our time is more and more evident in the embezzlement of lawful honesty.”

In addition to prayer, civil-Christian voters should therefore not stay at home during the upcoming parliamentary elections, and they should not be influenced by any prior survey (either positive or negative statistics) to cast their votes only and exclusively for parties representing civil-Christian values ​​(and not to the enemies named above), because this is the only way to ensure the further development of the country, as stated in my message to present and future Hungarian generations written in the parliamentary memorial book in 2001:

"Put aside the spirit of division. Go vote during the parliamentary elections, and in any case, vote for a party with a Christian and national spirit!"

Where and which, truly in every respect, can a nation be controlled by its own (former) physical and moral murderers or their direct descendants, ideological heirs, or collaborators of all these, even to the smallest degree?

Why is it possible that individuals who claim to own a political (i.e. communist) system charged with war crimes, actively participate in its construction and maintenance, and who have openly supported it in the past, can enjoy complete freedom in everything? Why is it possible that people with such a history can even run and win a mandate in domestic and European parliamentary elections? And why is it allowed that they can continue their previous robberies and destruction now, with painted passwords, without the least moral inhibition, in essentially the same way, although in many respects even more insidious?

"If God looks at us, (...) only the independent and Hungarian court, which must be restored in a hurry, can be competent in the investigation", Cardinal Mindszenty wrote in his will, XX. Hungarian high priest of the 19th century. The justice-giving and satisfaction-giving accountability has not happened to this day!

And even by chance, the reason that they used to bring up, that this definite call for attention and clear moral position will "divide" the churchgoers, so to speak (i.e. provoke opposition from some people), cannot be an acceptable reason, and in that case it is better not to say it. If you share it, it means that in practice there are atheists, anti-nationalists, and anti-family people who are given free rein and support in their ranks, to whom Article XII. Pius' statement from 1949, which is still completely relevant, quoted above, applies with particular force.

One of the determined intentions of the enemies of the Church, Christianity, and normal human thinking is to use all their power to prevent the official highest church leadership body from expressing a firm and specific opinion and specific guidelines for action regarding today's conditions, naming the harmful attackers as well. Morality must indeed dare to be loud!

The fatal mistake and sin of today's times is that even in Christian circles, they increasingly - for completely false reasons - want to dispute force, as well as legitimate self-defense realized with the word (and other permissible means). One should not become a false prophet by listening, as Cardinal Mindszenty said in one of his speeches, asking for the Holy Spirit: At that time, the II. After the Second World War - as can be read, for example, in the 3-volume Mindszenty Archives - Cardinal Mindszenty immediately reacted against the communist atrocities against the church and the country in specific circulars (issued even every two weeks), drawing the attention of the then still much clearer-sighted people, as well as calling for non-negotiable national resistance and national defense.

According to the direction of the Vatican's eastern policy - the objective evaluation of which is increasingly coming to the fore (especially referring to the work of church historian Gábor Adriányi: http://www.eucharistí ) - XXIII. Pope John and even more so his successor, VI. Pope Paul didn't want to say a single word about the communist terror against churches and religion (in contrast to Pope Pius XII's tough defense of faith and nation). This is also why it happened that the II. At the Vatican - although 150 synod fathers demanded that communism be branded as genocide and a flagrant crime against people and humanity - there was no condemnation of this terrorist system claiming the world's largest number of deaths (100 million). And this was exactly the communist objective! If the Western powers, the Western Church, the Vatican, or the people protested, then the enemy always had to "take back a little", so to speak, and even if only temporarily, the enemies were "flattened". And when it wasn't like that, when they were silent on the part of the church, then the persecution of the church flared up all the more and - despite the few apparent concessions - the church was completely tied up.

It is very unfortunate that many people are trying to transfer their heavy responsibility and duty, which they received from God in this area - by falsely blaming their silence - onto God himself. And this will not only have its eternal consequences, but also its earthly consequences.

Therefore, it is not only the apostates who are guilty of causing the tragedy of Europe today, but unfortunately the Christianity that remains today is also guilty, because practically (with great respect to the exception) it has given up its legitimate self-defense against the harmful attacker (just think of St. István, St. László, János Hunyadi and the other Christian national hero, until today, who defended the nation and Christianity with all their might), which is (also) obligatory on a Christian moral basis for a nation, a society or even a continent, especially against a today's satanic attack of such scale and strength. I will not go into detail here about the young people of today who intend to betray their country, the heroes of '56 (because they have no excuse for this), and all those who aim to overthrow and "replace" the bourgeois-Christian trend, who they want to replace the bourgeois-Christian government with those who (or whose predecessors) have already proven themselves in the previous decades (1945-1990) from losing their country and from hatred of Hungarians and Christians.

Although, in terms of religion, Roman Catholics are still in the majority, but if such an open call for attention - the publication of which according to the above is not contrary to any church law - were to reach many, on a national level, it would be a great help, confirmation and moral reassurance for all decent citizens of the nation for.

In order to avoid possible election fraud, increased supervision of the national security forces is necessary.

In recommending the Hungarian Nation to the love of God who bends down to us, who raises his sun for both good and evil, I remain with hope for the future:

Gábor Krajsovszky

Photo: MKPK Press Service