While two-thirds of left-wing voters (67 percent) and three-quarters (71 percent) of left-wing lurkers representing the opposition's reserve do not want to see Ferenc Gyurcsány in an important political position, research by the Nézőpont Institute reveals. Ferenc Gyurcsány remains one of the biggest dilemmas of the left. Among active voters, rejection of the ex-government head is consistently high (84 percent).

On the occasion of the annual evaluation of the president of the Democratic Coalition (DK), the Nézőpont Institute prepared research on the social perception of the former prime minister. The consequences of the "speech of lies", which became famous as the Ószöd speech, still shape the perception of the leader of the left-wing coalition. Based on the numbers, the last 16 years were not enough for the public to trust him again.

Only a tenth of active voters (11 percent) would like to see Ferenc Gyurcsány in an important political position, while more than four fifths (84 percent) would prefer to keep the politician away from important public positions.

It is not surprising that 97 percent of Fidesz voters do not want the DK party leader to hold an important position again. Two-thirds of admittedly left-wing voters (67 percent) do not want the leader of the largest opposition party to play an important political role again, and only a quarter of them (24 percent) want to see Ferenc Gyurcsány in public life.

The main question of the April election is whether the hidden voters representing the reserve of the leftist camp are willing to vote for the coalition coordinated by Ferenc Gyurcsány.

Among them, the assessment of the fallen prime minister is even worse: nearly three-quarters (71 percent) are more reluctant to put his person in power, and only a tenth (9 percent) would see him again in an important position. One of the biggest dilemmas of the left-wing campaign is therefore the person of Ferenc Gyurcsány.

In order to successfully mobilize the left and maximize votes, a change of opposition leadership would be necessary on this basis. Since Péter Márki-Zay does not lead, but follows the opposition meetings coordinated by the Gyurcsány party, it is questionable whether the "captain" (Ferenc Gyurcsány's term) can successfully divert the attention of the left-wing public from the divisive personality of Ferenc Gyurcsány.

Source: Magyar Hírlap

Graph: Ferenc Gyurcsány's unrelenting disapproval among voters / Photo: Nézőpont Institute